Saturday, October 29, 2016


We know nothing about Trump’s taxes, we have no real report about Trump’s health. We have knowledge of campaign managers and campaign support personal having business deals with the Russians while working on Trumps presidential campaign. We hear about how great Putin is and how he deserves more respect as Trump tries to con his audience into thinking Trump will be the peace maker. We see hacked emails ONLY being hacked from the Democrat Party and only from the Democrat candidate, all of which has been praised with promises of more from Trump and his surrogates. We have accounts of clothing and steel being purchased from China for Trump businesses, undocumented workers working for any operation owned by Trump.

And yet, Paul Ryan, Republican Speaker of the House the number three man in this nation in line for the presidency, makes the statement that Hillary should no longer be given privy to any more State Department briefings. We have Representative Jason Chaffetz, the ranking Committee Chairman of the House Oversight Committee insisting that another witch hunt will be necessary to once again define Hillary as an anarchist. We have an FBI Director sending out half empty notices regarding Hillary, while never mentioning an iota of Trump or his surrogates connections to the Russian hackers or to the Russian government.

We have so called news outlets ready to be the news then report the news. The media rushes to conclusions regarding anything Hillary, whose whole life story has been delved into so deep we have finally reached the core of the Earth; yet glossing over and details of all the hidden materials about Trump. Maybe Trump is correct when he says the election IS RIGGED!