Dear Ivanka Trump Kushner,
Today I felt a about two seconds of empathy for you, understanding that you are the daughter of Donald, and in that capacity feel the need to defend your dad. My two seconds of empathy, Ivanka diminished, however when you began to speak, with the sincerity of a woman who had grown up in a delusional reality; one which you supposed was the norm but in reality was and still is dysfunctional. I am sure it causes you a bit of wonderment having the lower 47% of us even imagining that growing up in gilded rooms and ivory towers could be dysfunctional, but Ivanka, REALLY, have you noticed that your dad cheated on your mother and then cheated again. You say you REALLY know your dad, but Ivanka if that is true, have you been raised with your father’s lack of morals and values? And the other thing Ivanka, how many fathers call their daughter a “nice piece of ass”, and suggest if they were not his daughter’s he fathers would date her? Does you husband Jared speak that way about your daughter?
Your step mom, calls Donald’s, arrogant and ignorant comment about women, locker room talk, but when your father mentioned he could press his body and lips upon any woman he wants (Even if they are married) Donald was not in a locker room. You insisted that Donald apologized, for that remark, but exactly to whom, did he actually , say I am sorry? Did he call up the women personally he tried to molest? Ivanka, you say you have a plan for making women equal in the work place, really, have you read your own corporation’s policies regarding working women and maternity leave. Wait, let me guess, you learned to lie just like your father, so any truth does not matter.
Finally, Ivanka, you decided to convert to Judaism, Mazol Tov, religion is a personal matter, and it is something I am sure you embraced with love and commitment. But Ivanka, have you been listening to the myriad of threats, anti-Semitic Tweets, and sterotyping of the BAD Jews, the money lenders, your fathers brigade of bully’s have embraced? Ivanka, your daddy Donald has never, EVER condemned ANY of these slanderous and dangerous communications. Maybe Ivanka you have been lulled into believing if you have tons of money, no one hates you. I was not in your conversion class, but wonder, if your Rabbi taught you about the Jews of Berlin, during Hitlers reign. Many believed that their fortunes favored them. They were not like any other of the poor Jews. In the end, Ivanka, many became the same riff-raff they were sure their wealth would not permit. For two seconds Ivanka, I felt empathy for you, now all I feel is sympathy for just how selfish you really are!