Poor pitiful, pathetic Paul Ryan, huffing and puffing trying to blow down the house of the Democrats, when in fact the blustering, bellowing BS of Trump, knocked at your own foundation and caused you to implode. Wham, Bam, Thank you Ma’am, your bravado turned out to be nothing but a whimper, followed by a YES, Sir, Mr Trump, anything you say!
Now, one has to wonder, Mr Wonder Boy, (at least some Republicans considered you the next best invention since white bread), when did your backbone collapse, when did your spine turn into mush OR better yet when did you decide to participate in the Russian Collusion by assisting Putin to turn you, McConnell and I am sure a whole bunch of other GOP politicians and pundits into his puppets? Surely, an egomaniac, self promoting, its all about me man like you, would NEVER let an insecure, clown like Trump give you marching orders. Surely, Paul Ryan, all American savior of America, could never be led by a narcissistic idiot whose only knowledge of the world is based on where he owns property. And surely, the Speaker of the House, the third man in power according to a once believable Constitution, shouldn’t be expected to flip then flop then eat his own words, especially when it is done as a demeaning public spectacle!
So, here is my question Paul Ryan, and as an American citizen, I really do believe I am owed an answer…Are you just a shell of a man, a facade, a failure of a figure of a man who has no direction, no distinctive qualities, no conscience…are you a Party before Country kind of self serving lacky…OR Mr Speaker (Remember when you were supposed to be the future of the Republican Party), are an anarchist, a traitor, a participant in an ugly attack on the democracy of this nation, so fearful that your policies are so unpopular that you and your Republican leadership ilk, took bribes from Vladimir Putin to destroy any and all principles of the United States? What a sham, you are, Paul Ryan! Oh, yeah how can you look your kids in the eye or kiss them good night, knowing that you are being blackmailed by the king of the KGB, Mr Putin of Russia. Its hard being you, isn’t it dude!