Roy Moore, recently won the Republican Senate Race for Jeff Sessions Senate seat. Roy Moore had been disbarred twice for his refusal to accept the Supreme Court’s decision making Same-Sex legal. Mr Moore believes that the only law he must adhere to come’s from the New Testament, and he also knows that creationism is real and that science is wrong. ROY MOORE stands for the Anthem and the Flag. His cohort, Jeff Sessions, lied when asked a few questions during his Senate interview to become Attorney General, a few questions he lied about were in regard to his Russian meetings and and acquaintances. JEFF SESSIONS stands of the anthem and the flag. Senators Graham and Cassidy, more interested in appealing to their spoiled billionaire Republican donors, recently were seeking the removal of at least 32 million Americans from health coverage, through in the end of Pre-Existing Conditions, and a couple other million folks would either become bankrupt or just die, GRAHAM and CASSIDY stand for the anthem and the Flag. PAUL MANAFORT, when in the United States and not the hall of the Kremlin, working for Putin, stands for the Anthem and Flag. Good ole Sarah Huckabee Sanders preaching the Trump lies, avoiding truthful answers, sharing innuendo and fake news , Ms HUCKABEE SANDERS stands for the Anthem and the Flag. And KID ROCK, cutting a whole in the middle of the flag, turning the flag into a poncho, stands for the Anthem and Flag.
Now, all you, sports fans aghast, agog, full of angst because athletes taking a knee, to make a statement about inequality, racism, unfair police actions, tell me how just standing for the Flag makes you a better Patriot, a better American, a better person. Sorry, upset sports fans, democracy is not a toy you can just play with. You are not the good guy, denying freedoms and rights to people, lying to people about their future because you perform a meaningless gesture with absolutely no honesty behind it. Get over yourselves because a bunch of so called millionaire athletes refuse to act as hypocrites and idiots as they watch the world of people of color become torn in half.
And another thing, please stop pretending that you are angry because somehow taking a knee offends the first responders and our Troops. WWII was the last war that was manipulated by politicians and our booming war machine industry. the Korean War never ended, the Viet Nam was was only encouraged due to the insecurities of Presidents, the War in Afghanistan and Iraq continue. All you sports fans selling your tickets or turning off the TV in disgust, do you think any of the Troops volunteering or being drafted to serve this nation did so with the condition that they ONLY would fit for the freedoms of white folks, Evangelicals, excluding pushy women who want freedom of their reproductive choices, or Jews or the LGBTQ community. Do you think all of the people in the Congress who stand for the Flag and the Anthem have committed even one-tenth of the resources of this nation to honor the Vets. Lets get real, just standing is an action not an answer to the problems facing this country. Its bull shit to think those who stand are somehow more righteous and truer Americans.