We were reminded over the past few weeks, of a few things…Texans pull together to help fellow Texans…Ted Cruz is worried about re-election and actually pretended to care about his voters…Floridians, are strong folk…Marco Rubio doesn’t watch Game of Thrones, but suggests Floridians snuggle up to their TV’s and watch it during a hurricane…the American Virgin Islands are out of sight and out of mind…aid from Mexico is not important…Cable news crew love to stand out in weather and show us just how stupid they can be, and try to out do one another for ratings, while spending little time on the masses in shelters or those who were stranded trying to find a shelter…Trump once again likes his weather bigger and better…Scott Pruitt is still working for the people called Corporations and is insulted that we even mention climate change during two, once in a Century, cataclysmic natural events taking place one week after another. And that a news cycle is JUST a news cycle and Hurricane Harvey was JUST so yesterday!
Death and destruction, total frustration and most likely economic tragedy for the very poor, not to mention post traumatic symptoms, have befallen and are continuing to infect this nation, but once the actual news event is not worth the ratings, not much else is said or done about it…Remember Hurricane Katrina and the folks who still have not had their lives refreshed or renewed! There were 90 members of the so called Freedom Caucus ( a bunch of Jesus loves me gerrymandered Christian Conservatives who still wave the Confederate Flag) felt that assisting Texans or Floridians was not what the Founding Fathers wanted when they and of course Jesus wrote the Constitution, so they voted against the Federal Government providing 60 Billion dollars in aid. (Oh yeah, as if that will make a difference.)
The entertainment spectacle on every news outlet was amazing. Scary music, and the bold image of IRMA flashing in front of our eyes and then we saw maps, and heard about cautions, and saw videos…Nothing wrong with any of that, and perhaps for those Americans who still had power it was educational…but now what…Will we now find out about the recovery in Houston, the lives of people in the Caribbean. Will we hound the GOP on climate change…or will we just react when the next disaster arrives, acing shocked but never circumspect!