Thursday, September 7, 2017

Horror movies

The really good horror stories, the kind that cause you to keep a light on as you sleep, always begin with the supposed creature lurking on the outside, the parameters of the house. Something out there wants to get inside your home and of course eat you. I can eat a whole bag of popcorn and then another as i watch the characters run, scream, dash from their cars, their bikes, or run half naked from the beach madly, and emphatically trying to get to the safety of their home. Once inside, the characters lock the doors, bolt the windows, cower in a corner, thinking that all they need to stay safe is to keep the monster outside, because of course, everyone in the house is one of them, the good guys! The really, really, REALLY good horror movies provide the viewer with the truth, however, cause most often the barriers to keep the monster outside turn into a trap and only lead to bloodshed INSIDE, because monsters can always be among us, and at times it is not until the end that we find out. BOO!

So Trump and his band of bottom feeders believe that 800,000 Dreamers, kids either born in this nation, or who, at an early age grew up in America, are monsters. 800,000 people who work, study, support a nation they have known for most of their lives, are suddenly creatures, creatures that a group lemming like insecure racists want to remove. Like the townsfolk in a Frankenstein movie, the uneducated on facts but fed with fear fools are t the ready to practice their patriotism and of course Christianity by breaking up families, and sending children right smack dab BACK into harms way. Remember, like in the movies we think OUR home is safe and without any evil entity.

Like a horror movie, as if real, life was scripted by Stephen King, the truth of the matter is that the monster does dwell inside the house. The KKK, The Alt-Right, the White Supremacists, are home grown villains and monsters. Stupidly, like the characters in the movies, we overlook the obvious permitting ourselves with the guiding principles of hysteria, and ignore the creatures INSIDE who want to rob us of our freedoms. We blame the OTHER, the dark skin, brown skin, the ones with funny names as the slimy sinister creature. Kick them out lock the doors, but then one we accomplish that we are stuck INSIDE OUR house and who do we share the four ways with, but men and women whose only desire in life is to destroy any democracy and decency from our lives. Its all true, just watch a really good horror movie!