The Party of Death, (except when it comes to their own member, politicians) is at it again, yep the GOP is making one last ditch effort to eliminate ObamaCare and turn it into TrumpCare, and as we all know oh too well, anything with the name of Trump included is a disaster (again, except for anyone named Trump or maybe Kushner). Seems Little Lindsey Graham and a newly gerrymandered Senator, Cassidy from Louisiana, under the dead of night and of course the nuclear threat of war with Korea, the devastation of two Hurricanes, have come up with a plan to raise insurance plans, eliminate pre-existing conditions, and making Health Insurance as healthy as eliminating the rules and regulations of the EPA. Catering to the base of the 30 some percent of Trump anarchist voters, fearing that anyone of them might get Primaried, these two Senators have decided to serve their lemming like rodents and of course their Emperor Trump, rather than the health and welfare of the majority of Americans.
It seems also that the GOP understand how much closer the Mueller investigation is getting in convicting Trump and hopefully the entire cadre of Republican enablers, so creating death panels for the country is high on their list of fucking up this nation before all of them are in jail. Graham and Cassidy are heartless men who have no understanding of the average American. If they were interested in country, rather than Party, none of this last minute effort of Death Panels would exist.
This time there is added fear, as that Maverick Johnny McCain is best buds with Little Lindsey. They have some kind of Senate BroMance, and have hardly ever veered from supporting each other’s bills. Now, not to worry, America, cause with this new attempt at replacing ObamaCare, Lindsey made sure that the Congress can keep their socialist insurance, so Johnny McCain can continue to have the best treatment for his brain cancer. The thing about Johnny (the Maverick) has been and still is the bull shit surrounding him plus his grudge. He talks a good game, getting 15 minutes of fame whenever he can, but his heart is as dark as the rest of the Party of Death. The Maverick is still sore about losing to the Black Guy, so replacing ObamaCare with Death Panels is still on McCain’s Bucket List. I might ask how you live with yourself, especially when you understand the pain, the agony of a terrible disease, but then Johnny is a Republican and they could give a shit!