Monday, August 31, 2020

Opportunistic Infection


The event that triggered war came at Fort Sumter in Charleston Bay on April 12, 1861. Claiming this United States fort as their own, the Confederate army on that day opened fire on the federal garrison and forced it to lower the American flag in surrender.


If we thought Charlottesville Virginia was just a matter of history, a day in which the term “Good Nazi’s was communicated to the United States by the country’s President…and we assumed that once the term was used for the benefit of the MAGA maniacs to idolize a serial sociopath, it might alert the rest of us to the dangers that surround all of us due to a vengeful and deranged psychopath…well folks you ain’t seen nothing yet… Trump plans to visit Kenosha Wisconsin, and has demanded that the Wisconsin Governor call up more National Guard… and Trump does not plan to visit the families of the murdered protestors, Anthony Huber, or Joseph D. Rosenbaum nor spend ANY time with the victim Jacob Blake, of his family; BUT to spend time with the BLUE LINE, the gang calling themselves the POLICE… you think the term “Good Nazi’s pissed you off, just wait…just wait!


Opportunistic infections (OIs) are infections that occur more frequently and are more severe in people with weakened immune systems, including people with HIV. Many OIs are considered AIDS-defining conditions.


Trump knows how to divide, and in doing so how he expects to conquer. An opportunistic infection, if you will, Trump cuts the wound, seeps his poison into the wound, discovers the vulnerable, the self-victimized, the self-loathing, creates chaos and confusion, and delights as the body (in this case American citizens) begin to descend into a painful convulsion and delirium!  Knowing that hate is a perfect weapon, understanding that to insight hate a useful tool, Trump plans to infect yet another state with a Democrat Governor, thinking that, more force, more aggression, and tons of arrogant and malicious behavior on Trump’s part will, in fact, make this an infection that will spread until November, and save Trump a trip to jail. No healing here, no intention to consul or counsel, nope just a planned plot to pry loose the seams that used to bind, into rags. 






Sunday, August 30, 2020

Certain People

 I had been working at a Jewish Community Center, (I have had the opportunity to have been a member of four Jewish communities, as a professional communal worker, and partially who I am today had much to do with those professional experiences.) Lots of stories to be told, many full of fantastic magic, and memories, some a bit sordid, and full of sarcasm ( like the time I was assisting with the Senior Adult lunch program, and one of our members wanted to know why we didn’t buy from retailers who sold chicken with four breasts because she was tired of having to wait her turn every other day to get a chicken breast for lunch); and some a bit mystifying as in what the fuck planet do you live!


All JCC’s have Pre Schools, an environment where the development from infants to toddlers takes preparing each child with opportunities to not only thrive but take control of the world they will soon inherit! Pre School classrooms, back in the day encouraged creative play, and interaction between the young children, helping them learn the skills of socialization, communication, and group. The teachers and aides all promoted self-esteem, demonstrating what makes us unique, and also what we have in common. During one semester of Pre School, something in common joined the classroom and that was a nasty little thing called LICE. Who knows where or when it arrived but it soon included the entire classroom in its itch, and scratch and nuisance. Taking the required route we informed all parents of the infestation of LICE and provided all the information necessary to help with its speedy elimination. The majority of parents, of course, became aggravated, but most understood that LICE happens…except for three mothers from very wealthy families…who refused to believe that their child could have been patient zero, or in fact should suffer the consequences of someone else’s family who must have been dirty, thus the carrier of LICE! These three families grew angry enough to threaten the JCC that if we did not stop permitting working mothers to send their children to Pre School, or subsidizing poorer families with scholarship money, they would have to leave.  Because, as these three families understood it, only certain people could possibly keep their kids unkempt. You never know where LICE originates, but one of the little girls from the wealthiest of the three families explained that her brother has an itchy head about a week ago, one week before the LICE attacked our JCC! (Just adding that anecdotal comment).


So, now, it seems here in the year of 2020, in the Age of Trump and avoidance, accusation, and arrogance, many people believe that COVID is not a disease they need to deal with, because it is caused by other people, you know Progressives/Liberals/Anarchists/The Far Left/George Soros Jews, or Nancy Pelosi Californians. The MAGA doesn’t get COVID, so says Trump, and neither do those who worship at his altar and attend his FASCIST RALLY’S. He has made it perfectly clear only those who DO NOT WANT TO SEE HIM RE-ELECTED get the CORONAVIRUS! Over180,000 Americans have died, I have to wonder, were none of them Republican, Tea Party, MAGA, Good Nazi, Confederate Son’s and Daughters. You know only certain people are the cause of a PANDEMIC!

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Ivanka TRUMP Kushner

 To Ivanka TRUMP Kushner: (not Dear Ivanka, because that might be interpreted as respect, and that would be as disingenuous as you were when you spoke to the public on the final night of something called the RNC Convention, which in fact was nothing but a DJT Campaign Rally.) Without any remorse any sense of obligation to the truth, without any adherence to the fact here are a few quotes attributed to YOU, regarding a man somehow, no one but you MUST know…or you also learned the CON and spoke it very well and with great SNAKE OIL SALES-WOMAN conviction; and tried to sell to the American public!


“My father has strong convictions. He knows what he believes and says what he thinks. Whether you agree with him or not, you always know where he stands. I recognize that my dad's communication style is not to everyone's taste. And I know his tweets can feel a bit -- unfiltered. But the results speak for themselves. He is so unapologetic about his beliefs that he has caused me and countless Americans to take a hard look at our own convictions, and ask ourselves, what do we stand for?” And then Ivanka TRUMP Kushner you went on and on, but continued to say: What kind of America do we want to leave for our children?


I honestly have to wonder Ivanka TRUMP Kushner, does your 9-year-old daughter, Arabella Rose think that the oftentimes YOUR FATHER, HER GRANDFATHER, mentions he would “do you, if you were not his daughter, or “grab women by the pussy,” is just silly old man talk? Does Arabella understand the term “NASTY WOMAN, and does she know any nasty women, or are they just figments of YOUR FATHER’S HER GRANDFATHERS imagination? And Ivanka TRUMP KUSHNER, does your son, 6-year-old son Joseph Frederick, know that there are Good Nazi’s and Bad Nazi’s, or is he too young to even know YOUR FATHER, HIS GRANDFATHER, has identified with a White Supremacist movement, whose initial priority is to murder Jews! Or maybe because he is not of Bar Mitzvah ager, the discussion of the Holocaust hasn’t emerged yet! But I am certain your FATHER, HIS GRANDFATHER can help him prepare his speech when your son stands upon the BIMA before the Torah! And I am certain your 4-year-old son Theodore James has no idea other 4-year old’s, some maybe even sharing the same birthday, are still in Concentration Camps sitting on concrete slabs wrapped in aluminum sheets; or that YOUR FATHER HIS GRANDFATHER, continues to mention that all people, not whit are rapists and drug dealers and come from shit hole countries. Maybe Grandpa Donald can give Theodore James a globe for his 5-year-old birthday and shoe YOUR SON, HIS GRANDSON where those shit hole countries are located, and exactly where the parents are living SEPARATED  from the children, many the same age as all three of your children are living, longing for and missing their children.


Oh yeah Ivanka TRUMP Kushner, how do YOU manage to kiss your kids or touch them without fear that the toxic waste from the DNA of YOUR FATHER, THEIR GRANDFATHER, won’t seep into their precious lives and have them implode! And you had the AUDACITY to lie to the public about YOUR FATHER AND YOUR KIDS GRANDFATHER, and not even show the slightest bit of utter disgust!








Friday, August 28, 2020

A Middle Finger

 For the over 187,000 Americans who have died from the ravages of the CORONOAVRIUS, a Pandemic that to this day Trump refuses is anything more than a democrat /progressive/liberal plot to unseat his quest to become president for life….for the families and friends of over 187,000 Americans who have grieved the slow and painful or quick and unbelievable deaths of their loved ones…on Thursday, August 27, 2020, Trump and his Cabinet and his Family and his 1000 Cultist followers, provided all 187,000 Americans who have perished and those who still mourn them, FROM,  Trumps’ self-serving denial of the CORONAVIRUS, and his sociopathic narcissist need to ignore anyone but his ego, a HUGE MIDDLE FINGER, and a red, white and blue FUCK YOU!


On display, for HIS pleasure, were the entire Crime Cabinet, his Crime Family, not at all social distancing, and few wearing any masks! In the audience of perhaps 1000 people, again NO SOCIAL DISTRANCING required and absolutely no Rapid COVID-19 testing on hand, with maybe a half dozen in masks, all listening as lie after lie was screamed out loud by a sociopathic psychotic madman, that soon the Chinese Flu would end, and all of this Biden Bull Shit about your health was nothing but propaganda, against TRUMP!


So, to be clear, when Trump provided his Reality Show, which we all know has nothing to do with reality but is a scripted entertainment show, and TRUMP and his CRIME RIDDLED FAMILY AND CABINET, enabled by 1000 CULTIST ENABLERS, IGNORED any reasonable scientific or medical advice as to help stop the spread of the CORONAVIRUS, the message Americans received was, too bad you died, too bad someone you loved died, and fuck you for getting in the way of ME, DONALD TRUMP wanting to be KING!


 rad·i·cal·ize. cause (someone) to adopt radical positions on political or social issues. So a white kid turned on by making America great again, enthused that law and order are the necessary ideals to make America great again, motivated by a cultist leader named Trump and his Good Nazi enablers, decides that instead of strapping on a homemade explosive device, he will take his assault-style rifle and shoot his perceived enemy. Kyle Rittenhouse, we are told was bullied, we are told he just loved the police, we are told he was a good boy coming from too many social disabilities. 


If Kyle’s name was Mohamad or Omar, and he had followed any other cultist leader who insisted that law and order was the only way to make Islam great again, or that people are bad when they demonstrate, the entire republican party would be demanding another invasion of another Middle Eastern nation… You see it’s the same difference. Lost kids seek a savior a superhero, who will somehow take them from being a shat upon useless human to a hero. You see no matter what their name, both are vulnerable to a greater force viler, more devious, and more eager to use others as soldiers for their own personal gain!


mi·li·tia a military force that engages in rebel or terrorist activities in opposition to a regular army. Kyle Rittenhouse thought he was part of a militia, a band of brothers whose mission is to define democracy and to define it using weapons of war. Shoot, kill, those BAD PEOPLE deserve it. Listen to FOX, to Tucker, to Ann, to Rush, to Sean, to Laura, to Pence, to Franklin to Laura and to Trump…they all have the definition of BAD PEOPLE. A 17-year-old kid is radicalized and thinks he is a member of a militia follows the madness of sociopath with psychotic tendencies, has a mother who has no idea how to nurture her kid, the kid feels he is a victim…and HE MURDERS people. What, Huh, In America, Oh in Trump’s America!








Thursday, August 27, 2020

i am afraid

 This special report reviews the day's developments in the Cuban missile crisis. Walter Cronkite announces the signing of the formal proclamation of the quarantine of Cuba. The report continues with a clip of Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara's press conference at the Pentagon, and a clip of an exchange between U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Adlai Stevenson and Soviet U.N. Ambassador V.A. Zorin. Cronkite displays aerial photographs of missile sites followed by a report on a military build-up in Key West; Neil Strawser reports on the build-up at the American naval base at Guantanamo, Cuba; George Herman reports on the crisis' meaning for the Kennedy administration, and Roger Mudd reports on aerial reconnaissance of Cuba. October 23, 1962, Tuesday 11:15 PM. This was the first and last time I ever saw my father shake, look around the living room filled with my family, my mother, my three sisters, and me. This was the first time and only time I heard my father, the pillar of our home, the person from which all safety and sanity originated, MY safeguard against anything evil and vile, stand up looking at his family, my family and say, “I am afraid, this IS the first time I am afraid!”


To this day, I can recount, recall, and remember, a pit in my stomach which seemed endless, agonizing, and horrific. My father was afraid, and if he was afraid, who then might protect us, PROTECT US  from some impending doom, from which even Walter Cronkite, THE VOICE of REASON and CALM, seemed frightened of and at a loss for words!


It is Wednesday, August 26, 2020, a 17-year-old kid owns an assault weapon and shoots two protestors, demanding justice from sheer racist policies by the police.  One more member of the Trump Team and Trump breaks a Federal Law. A Republican convention becomes nothing but a Fascist commercial to promote AUTHORITARIANISM.  And an American public still clings to every word, every piece of propaganda and lie Trump tells, and no one of any authority seems able to stop a mad man from creating havoc, and chaos, doom, and destruction.


I am afraid. I now understand my father standing in the middle of our living room shaking, sweaty almost experiencing an out of body sensation, feeling so out of control as to state he was afraid. My father then said, “No matter what we will remain resilient, and alive, but we must never forget this moment when the future seems as if it just disappeared!



Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Mad World

 “And I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad

The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take
When people run in circles it's a very very
Mad world, mad world
Enlarge your world
Mad world” (Mad World/Roland Orzabal)


"My deepest sympathy goes out to everyone who has lost a loved one. My prayers are with those who are ill or suffering. I know many people are anxious and some feel helpless. I want you to know you are not alone." (Melania Trump)----178,000 dead Americans, in this nation alone! Your husband waited and waited and waited. After waiting and waiting decided to sell some snake oil in the form of bleach, infecting disinfectant into people's bodies, touted hydroxychloroquine, oleandrin, and now untested convalescent plasma. Until the Stock Market began to get ill, DID he begin to become concerned about the health of the ECONOMY. Dear First Lady, have you canceled any of your trips to NYC to get your “hair done,” or your shopping spree, to actually visit any one of those to whom you provide your deepest sympathy. Are these the prayers similar to the thoughts and prayers, associated with the use of mass shootings in schools, theaters, concerts, or on college campuses? 


“Children waiting for the day, they feel good
Happy birthday, happy birthday
Made to feel the way that every child should
Sit and listen, sit and listen
Went to school and I was very nervous
No one knew me, no one knew me
Hello teacher, tell me what's my lesson
Look right through me, look right through me” (Mad World/Roland Orzabal)

"Like all of you I have reflected on the racial unrest in our country. It is a harsh reality that we are not proud of our history. I encourage people to focus on our future, while still learning from our past." "With that in mind, I'd like to call on the citizens of this country to take a moment, pause, and look at things from all perspectives. I urge people to come together in a civil manner so we can work and live up to our standard American ideals." (Melania Trump)----Dear Frist Lady, we still have thousands of children separated from their families, living in concentration camps, some molested by ICE (Federal Government employees of your husband, have you visited any one of them and witnessed the horrors of the environment in which these brown-skinned kids are trying to survive? Were you anywhere around when your husband ordered American National Guard and some kind Troops march on the protestors in Layfette Park, to disrupt a Peaceful Protest, regarding yet another murder of a person of color, or were you busy, doing your nails, or organizing the dismantling of any trace of previous First Ladies contributions to the Rose Garden?

“All around me are familiar faces
Worn out places, worn out faces
Bright and early for their daily races
Going nowhere, going nowhere
Their tears are filling up their glasses
No expression, no expression
Hide my head, I want to drown my sorrow
No tomorrow, no tomorrow”(Mad World/Roland Orzabal


"We all know Donald Trump makes no secret about how he feels about things. Total honesty is what we as citizens deserve from our president. Whether you like it or not, you always know what he's thinking. And that is because he's an authentic person who loves this country and its people and wants to continue to make it better."---- Dear Frist Lady, Secrets, why is it that not a single member of his Cabinet is permitted to speak under oath to the House of Representatives? Why have his tax returns been so well guarded and a mystery, if in fact as you say total honesty is what we deserve! And what is it about pardoning men like Stone and Flynn, and soon Manafort, who have truths to tell, but remain silent. And Stormy Daniels, and his affair, which he had tried to keep secret! I know English is your second language, but First Lady Trump do you understand the definition of the word HONESTY.




Tuesday, August 25, 2020

just wanna dance

 “Hold fast to dreams,

For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird,
That cannot fly.”
Langston Hughes

“Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all.”
Emily Dickinson


It was my first time, in the midst of what seemed millions of men, shirtless, sweaty, with swagger almost a synchronized team of swimmers, dancing to the same music, but in various degrees of chemically induced highs, or just pure adrenaline, powerful enough to seemingly lift their bodies off the dance floor. It was an old movie palace in LA called the Mayan Theater, now a VENUE, to use the correct jargon, a hidden universe where imagination erupted from, each and every thump-da thump, the crescendo of Diva’s hitting the highest of notes a human ear could hear or a human voice might muster, and beats so deliberate one might have thought it was an echo from a monster’s heart.  I was free, I was alive, I was living a dream I feared my whole life, it was the moment, I witnessed my closet door slam shut, and a magic entrance opening with neon, flash glitter, and delight! To dance, for me is the excellence of being alive! The freedom of movement, no restrictions, no reservations, just the rhythm, raw and revealing, passionate and pulsating, never perfect, but precise enough to enrich any emotion, and evolve into a non-stop swirling dervish…part devil and mostly delicious! It was a dream, I had hoped for, it was hope I had dreamed about, it became real, living it, loving it, and now remembering the delectable chance to dance, and dance and dance and dance. It was my first coming-out party, and I celebrated it with people who at first seemed strangers, but during the hours of a DJ spinning his records, these people soon were never any stranger to my life than I had been to myself!


I write this rant, on a Monday night, when if I wished I could painstakingly witness a witless, woefully wretched maniac, pretend to be a man of the people, but who in reality hates the people who applaud him, and is never man enough to admit he has no emotion, nor empathy, and only presumes his life is the one that matters. He will and would shall and could deplete the hopes and dreams of any living being with a conscience or soul. I have grown so weary of this feckless façade, this pinnacle of failure, this insidious incendiary image of selfish and sociopathic machinations. So instead, I asked SIRI to play for me one of my oldest newest favorite songs titled ‘I Just Wanna Dance, by Alison Jiear. 

“Things are going bad for me
I am feeling sad for me
So I just wanna dance
Oh, I just wanna dance.

I'm tired of laughing
And I'm tired of crying,
I'm tired of failing
And I'm tired of all this trying.

I wanna do some living
Cause I've done enough of dying
I just wanna dance
I just wanna fucking dance.”




Monday, August 24, 2020

some truth

 “Keeping what you have is hard like searching for what you've lost.” ― Auliq Ice

I was student teaching at Our Mother of Holy Family Catholic School in Pittsburgh. I am Jewish but wanted an educational experience that would remove me from my safety zone and permit me to discover worlds of which I was always a visitor but never a true member of the family. The Mother Superior of the school welcomed my interest in this venture and commended me for the willingness to expand my educational horizons. She said discovering truth is difficult, the attempt dangerous, and the reward not always the kind of treasure you expect, but like Jesus, an attempt must be made, for without trying, all else pales in comparison. (The Mother Superior had a bit of a sense of humor, also adding that my very long hair, and beard, my being a young lean Jewish lad, seemed like Central Casting sent me. She did inform me, that the coloration of my skin, was just the right shade of almost Mediterranean to make me seem more like an ordinary Jesus, and not the kind that originated from Sweden or Norway!)


My experience at Holy Family provided interaction with the Sisters, some who had great disdain for me, some who cautiously accepted me, and few who wholeheartedly permitted me to indulge in a bit of liberal interpretation of how to teach. My Lead Teacher was a young Nun, and our first meeting was an interesting discovery of commonality and difference. Sister Alphonso, (her chosen name) expressed with little hesitation, that Catholic doctrine is precise and inflexible, it is based on a truth, that is required to believe in, and becomes its own core of truth. One can disagree, but there is no debate. However, she added, you seem to be full of imagination, and insight, seeking a cacophony of choices that the innocence of youth promotes. How these two directions will interact, she mused, we will have to discover together. There is your truth, there is the truth of the church, and I understand the most telling will be the truth of our third and fourth-grade students, who still are figuring out THAT DEFINITION.


I had assumed truth is black or white no shade of gray no shadows or hazy lines covering what is directly in front of your eyes. My students were innocent enough to beg for the truth, I was cocky enough to think I knew it, BUT all around me were barriers reminding me that sometimes the questions, asked are not the always answered with truthful intention, but intended to become a truth told, and to be believed! In 2020, truth has morphed into a weapon, not a shield of armor, not a safe environment to thrive, but a weapon of war and I fear, that those who defy the nature of truth, have become Dr. Frankenstein’s creating monsters from very unnatural and unhuman intentions!


“To find truthful answers we must replace the search for answers with the search for truth.” A.A. Alebraheem






Sunday, August 23, 2020

Dear Melania

 First lady Melania Trump will deliver her Republican National Convention speech Tuesday night from the garden, famous for its close proximity to the Oval Office. The three weeks of work on the garden, which was done in the spirit of its original 1962 design, were showcased to reporters on Saturday. White House officials said the renovations were paid for by private donations. They declined to reveal the cost of the work. “Protecting the historic integrity of the White House landscape is a considerable responsibility, and we will fulfill our duty as custodians of the public trust,” Melania Trump wrote in a report released when the renovations were announced. (as an aside, she did not write this, because she has no regard for the term custodians of public trust, nor the definition of integrity!) /Associated Press


Dear Melania, PUBLIC TRUST: The concept of the public trust relates back to the origins of democratic government and its seminal idea that within the public lies the true power and future of a society; therefore, whatever trust the public places in its officials must be respected. Dear Melania, INTEGRITY: the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. the state of being whole and undivided. Dear Melania, your husband defies the two ideals your speechwriters will have you read from a teleprompter. Your impersonation of a person who cares will most likely be as vapid and feckless as has been your response to the almost 70, 000 children still separated by your husband's administration, from their parents, who by all estimates if not suffering from COVID-19, traumatized by no nurturing families, and many traumatized by the sexual abuse initiated by ICE, still rot in habitats, in which you would never wish your own son to even pass by!


Dear Melania, there remain at least 1.1 million Americans unemployed, and living day to day without any acknowledgment from your husband's administration as to whether enough money will be provided for food, shelter, medical bills. There have been 174,645  deaths from the CORONAVIRUS, a Pandemic from which your husband runs, hoping that by ignoring its existence, it will just vanish and he will somehow be re-elected. Dear Melania, we are without enough money to pay for testing, for PPE’s, safe and healthy return to school, but you still travel to NYC for your hair appointments, your husband continues to fly off to his various Private Golf Clubs, your stepchildren use public taxpayer dollars to live the life of Royalty, and you will have the audacity to mention words like PUBLIC TRUST and INTEGRITY! Have you no decency!













Saturday, August 22, 2020

sunshine, or lack of

 “Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy

Sunshine in my eyes can make me cry
Sunshine on the water looks so lovely
Sunshine almost always makes me high.” (Sunshine On My Shoulders/John Denver)


Federal "Sunshine Act" (The Government in the Sunshine Act is a U.S. law passed in 1976)

 requires meetings of bodies that head federal agencies to be open. The Sunshine Act states that “every portion of every meeting of an agency shall be open to public observation.” This mandate applies to the collegial bodies that head up federal government agencies. Sunshine laws are regulations requiring transparency and disclosure in government or business. Sunshine laws make meetings, records, votes, deliberations, and other official actions available for public observation, participation, and/or inspection.


Any White House or Treasury involvement with the Postal Service would be a breach of its charter as an independent, nonpolitical public entity,

Because Mnuchin's meetings were private one-on-one discussions, they were not subject to the Government in the Sunshine Act, which requires that federal agency meetings be disclosed to the public. Yet many on the board were aware of the get-togethers, one person said. Mnuchin was requesting briefings before a decision was made, which the person called "unusual." There was also a discussion with Mnuchin about the "need to move quickly" on a selection, the person said. (Heidi Przybla)


Konstantin Kilimnik an associate of then-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, was a “Russian intelligence officer.” It also says Manafort was meeting regularly and sharing information with Kilimnik, including internal Trump campaign polling data. Kilimnik and Manafort may have had some link to the Russian operation to steal and leak Democratic emails. Trump further claimed that he had "no recollection of the specifics of any conversations I had with Mr. Stone between June 1, 2016, and November 8, 2016." Despite Trump's recollection, the report says, “the Committee assesses that Trump did, in fact, speak with Stone about WikiLeaks and with members of his Campaign about Stone's access to WikiLeaks on multiple occasions.” At least two participants in the June 9, 2016 meeting between Trump campaign officials and Russians in the Trump Tower had “significant connections to the Russian government, including Russian intelligence services… far more extensive than what had been publicly known.”(Ken Dilanian)


“If I had a tale that I could tell you                     
I'd tell a tale sure to make you smile
If I had a wish that I could wish for you
I'd make a wish for sunshine for all the while.”(Sunshine On My Shoulders/John Denver)


The sun has set in Washington DC. Tales of truth are now nothing but shadows stuffed in the dark recesses of mismanaged and mangled, malignant closets and corners of cubby holes filled with cobwebs and conspiracy!  Lies that Trump and the Russian’s never colluded, lies of Trump and his clown Stevie Mnuchin and DeJoy’s innocence in dismantling the Postal Service, lies regarding any attempt for Trump to encourage the end of a Pandemic, will not be seen today, nor tomorrow. Sunshine has been discontinued and all we have is to trip and fall all over ourselves trying to find the one light bulb in November and have some brightness on our shoulders!











Friday, August 21, 2020


 "This is a life-changing election. This will determine what America is going to look like for a long, long time," he said. And he closed by quoting the poet Seamus Heaney: "This is our moment to make 'hope and history rhyme.' With passion and purpose." (Joe Biden/August 20, 2020/Democrat National Convention)


I remember, when my mother turned around the age of 70, she commented to all my siblings and me, that, almost in an instant, she recognized that age was waiting for her, and she became old, not older! Time was suddenly standing with its hand outstretched at a horizon, which used to seem millions of miles further away, but somehow packed its bags and laid claim to a closer plot of land and set up shop. My mother added, she knew this could happen, but just where was she when the past disappeared as a blur, the present existing so fleetingly and the future, rushing forward with the force a category one hurricane. Her go-to explanation of all of this was simple. In Pittsburgh we had a newspaper called the Jewish Chronicle, basically, it was geared to the large Jewish population in Pittsburgh, with local and international news, but it was the last few pages of the Chronicle, which were the real important reading material. My mother would explain, that many years ago, she would discover who got engaged, then one day, and she had no idea when she began to read about the marriages, soon she would be finding herself smiling at the birth announcements, and then, as if OUT OF THE BLUE, all my mother did, was immediately open the Chronicle to the last few pages, and just concentrate on the OBITUARIES. “OLD,” my mother would say, as she either wiped away a tear at the news of a friend’s passing, or pause, and turn her head in a soulful manner, “OLD has found us, and it has brought with it some bad news!” 


During these past Three and Three Fourth Years, as I am now the age of my mother’s recognition of OLD tracking me down, I have wondered more so than ever, about the past, but more so have grown anxious about what to expect from the future, and if THERE is a future, what will be found waiting! November is near, I have never been more fearful of a month of the year, or a year in my life. I too have cheered the loves of many, the marriages which then created families. These passages of time carried me along with my destinations, with determination, sometimes a detour, some desperation, and many dreams. Like Joe Biden and the many supporters not just of his Presidency but of the potential for Democracy, I must add this is a life-changing election.


“Well, I've been 'fraid of changin'
'Cause I've built my life around you
But time makes you bolder
Even children get older
And I'm gettin' older, too


Ah, take my love, take it down
Oh, climb a mountain and turn around
And if you see my reflection in the snow covered hills
Well, the landslide will bring it down
And if you see my reflection in the snow covered hills
Well, the landslide will bring it down
Oh, the landslide will bring it down” (Landslide/Stevie Nicks)



Thursday, August 20, 2020

best or worst

 It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair. (Charles Dickens)


"He's shown no interest in putting in the work, no interest in finding common ground, no interest in using the awesome power of his office to help anyone but himself and his friends, no interest in treating the presidency as anything but one more reality show that he can use to get the attention he craves," President Barack Obama on Wednesday, August 19, 2020


This phrase, It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,  points out a major conflict between family and love, hatred and oppression, good and evil, light and darkness, and wisdom and folly. Dickens begins this tale with a vision that human prosperity cannot be matched with human despair.

President Donald Trump declined Wednesday to disavow the QAnon movement, saying that the followers of the extreme conspiracy theory oppose violent protests and that "I've heard these are people who love our country." When reminded by a reporter for NBC News that the movement's followers believe he is fighting to stop a satanic cult of pedophiles and cannibals, he asked: "Is that supposed to be a bad thing?" Trump said he didn't know much about the QAnon movement's followers, "other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate." Russian Asset Donald Trump, Wednesday, August 19, 2020

I watched and listened, as men and women spoke all ready to support, embrace Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, in an attempt to resurrect a dying and doomed democracy, conned and connived, purged and plundered by a Russian Asset a Russian Puppet, and a Band of Willing Republican Parasites and their Wealthy Domestic Terrorist Donors. I have read, reread, recounted, reviewed the past (almost three and fourth years, of pure sociopathic, narcissist, behavior, enabled by a man falling into the depths of dementia, and the putrid sickness of psychotic episodes. At a crossroads, now more than ever, but seemingly traveling to this destination, intentionally, time is no longer eager to remain on the side of GOOD! There is, for me no longer a debate a discussion but just DESTINY, vote BLUE or suffer the consequences from which the color RED, so evilly symbolizes!








Wednesday, August 19, 2020

fool me, how many times

 The More You Know is a series of public service announcements (PSAs) broadcast on the NBC family of channels in the United States and other locations, featuring educational messages. These PSAs are broadcast occasionally during NBC's network programming.----------- The Republican and Democratic leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee made criminal referrals of Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, Steve Bannon, Erik Prince and Sam Clovis to federal prosecutors in 2019, passing along their suspicions that the men may have misled the committee during their testimony, an official familiar with the matter told NBC News. The Post reported that the letter was divided into two sections. One named those suspected of making false statements, The Post said: Bannon; Clovis, a co-chair of the Trump campaign in 2016; and Prince, a private security contractor. A second section raised concerns about the testimony of other witnesses, including Trump Jr. and Kushner, whose statements were contradicted by Trump campaign aide Richard Gates, although it did not pointedly make a false-statements allegation, The Post reported. (Ken Dilanian)

The Rest of the Story was a Monday-through-Friday radio program originally hosted by Paul Harvey Beginning as a part of his newscasts during the Second World War and then premiering as its own series on the ABC Networks on May 10, 1976, The Rest of the Story consisted of stories presented as little-known or forgotten facts on a variety of subjects with some key element of the story (usually the name of some well-known person) held back until the end. The broadcasts always concluded with a variation on the tag line, "And now you know...the rest of the story." On the majority of radio stations, it often served as a mid-afternoon drive counterpart to Harvey's noontime News and Comment.------------ Choose one name, select any of the names from those listed above then add more surnames like Pompeo, Flynn, Stone, McConnell, Pence, Cornyn, Dershowitz, throw in for good measure all of the GOP Senators who voted NO to IMPEACHMENT, (please place the name of Susie (Aunt Bea) Collins, who insisted Trump had learned his lesson on misbehaving…and Ladies and Gentlemen of America we have a CONSPIRACY OF TREASON, a COUP if you so permit the worst of your thoughts to emerge, and for the past almost four years…we have been living in a lie, planned, plotted, prepared and so full of PROPAGANDA, by Trump and every single politician who participated in the COVER-UP…GLADLY, GENEROUSLY, or out of sheer selfishness to propagate not only a tyrant named Trump but to remain as the Royal Class and ignore any decency to the detriment of the Democratic Principles once heralded as America The Beautiful!

“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” Which means a person who tries to fool you should feel ashamed, but if he fools you twice, you should feel ashamed because you are not smart enough to learn the lesson and to avoid being fooled again. Is it not the time for another attempt at justice, and a REAL IMPEACHMENT TRIAL!















Tuesday, August 18, 2020

I am safe!

 It was just another Monday, in Provincetown, the time maybe 5:04 pm to be exact. The town, usually bustling with tons of visitors was a bit subdued, but still buoyant and bewildering, no matter how maddening the Pandemic. Everyone was wearing a mask, no theme week (Provincetown usually has weeks filled with certain demographics in mind, like Bear Week, Women of Color Week, Family Week, Twink Week, and of course Carnival, which is an entire 7-day excursion celebrating LGBTQ Pride), but glorious and fabulous is normal for Provincetown, so even masked, the array and selection of PPE’s were all glitter and rhinestone! The crowds still gathered, aware of the social distancing necessary, knowing that acknowledging science and medicine did indeed make you a better Patriot, and any clusters of people, were family groups, both of the hetero and homosexual content!


Joe and I both are working in Provincetown, he the manager of a gym and me a hotel manager, so, we spend our days in Provincetown, and find respite and comfort in our forever abode which we nicknamed Shady Pines, in North Truro. We have the best of the kind of worlds we prefer in which to dwell, a place of sheer imagination, Provincetown, and a village of rustic, wooded, peace and calm, North Truro. In the mayhem, which is a country I call home, America, in spite of a murderous, maniacal monster filled with the sickness of sociopathic syphilis, and putrid psychosis flowing freely through his veins, Joe and I push forward, ACT UP, remain LOUD, and protest the devastation and determination of a despot destroying democracy (TRUMP) upon which he and his enablers thrive and can only count on to remain out of jail; my husband and I seek this sanctuary!


On my way back to my car, after work, I stopped, stuck in my tracks, thinking I heard a voice, a squeaky sound, in need of an oil can perhaps  or at least WD-40, saying “I am free, I am free!” I looked around past the cacophony of the panoply of people and there it was a mailbox, not tethered, chained, handcuffed, or threatened, but just FREE and AVAILABLE, and so American, I wanted to sing God Bless America! I asked if it was safe to take a photo and the mailbox seemed to exhale and puff itself up and said YOU BETCHA, and I swear I saw a middle finger arise from its metal frame and I know I heard it say FUCK YOU AND FLYING MONKEYS…TRUMP!

Monday, August 17, 2020

Mail Boxes

 The September 11 attacks were a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks by the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda against the United States on the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001. Immediately following those attacks, the US government began their defense by trying to shore up the vulnerabilities which laid in plain sight. Worried that it was too easy to attack this nation by a foreign adversary, our country found footing as almost one nation might, and began a series of actions to not only remain on defense but try to regain an offensive approach. One immediate, seemingly, small approach, was to remove Mail Boxes from the various and numerous locations, for fear that bombs or combustible materials might be placed inside them, (soft targets was the term used,)by TERRORISTS. After September 11, 2001, this nation realized that freedom was a prized resource, that too many with evil intentions, those dreaming of a dystopian diaspora, men and women who used fear and loathing as a philosophy to maintain power, inadequate empty insecure self-imagined misaligned maniacs, wanted a world chaotic, filled with consequences but most importantly corrupt contentious and crazy!


Mail Boxes, something as simple a Motherhood, Apple Pie, and Baseball became one of our first easy defenses to try and preserve freedom and eliminate the angst of fear, the idea that something bad could emanate from such an American icon, an American symbol of freedom!  August 2020, and once again, MAILBOXES have become a symbol used by a government not of, or by, or even for the people, BUT now considered an extension of the Trump Corporation, now symbolizing how democracy is in the crosshairs of even more TERRORISM, this time DOMESTIC! We assumed no one knew of the plans for the death and destruction looming on the eve of NINE/ELEVEN (hindsight proved us wrong), BUT we DO KNOW and have even been TOLD how a new DOMESTIC TERRORIST ATTACK has been planned and is actually happening, and once again something as simple as MAILBOXES are a part of the plot NOT to keep America safe but to attack us from within!


Sunday, August 16, 2020



For some young kids, back in the day (right after dinosaurs became extinct, the 1950’s to be exact), having an extended family living only blocks apart from one another was both a wondrous experience, but at times a rather early draft of what I might imagine a Stephen King novel looked like. So many cousins, combinations some very old, sickly or still speaking (at least in our Jewish family) a mixture of English, Yiddish, and Romanian, as well as kids our age seemingly as normal as us (at the time I had no idea dysfunctional family dynamics were normal.) 

My Grandma Braff’s oldest sister named Mima, which was not her real name (later in life we discovered it was Sophia) but Mima was a slang used for the word, Aunt in either Romanian or Yiddish, but no matter what, when we would visit, Aunt Mima, as she sat on the edge of the bed, located in the parlor of her house (a parlor for a bedroom, of all places!) We would first walk over, lean in and kiss her on her forehead. (As an aside, she was the only older female relative from my Grandmother’s side of the family who did not grab our cheeks and state “what a Punim (face) and kiss us on our lips, creating I am certain our first case of herpes.) Be polite my mother would insist and ask Aunt Mima how she is feeling (at this stage of knowing her, she had always been frail and in some kind of pain…and we hated to ask her how she was feeling because the response was so depressing and long, and as she did respond she would for the entire time be holding our outstretched arms).

Her response: “I am usually not feeling well, but this is a fact, I could feel better and might get better, but I know it is not so, but there is hope and so at the end of the day, I will tell you I am well, and you all will hurry out of here thinking the good news. But there is a truth some people do not understand, only I know it because it is my body, my life. But you know what, it could be months or days…no one knows but Hashem (God)

This was my Grandmother's sister, we were told anyone older than us (except kids in high school or college) were to be revered and respected, and no questions asked. We were told ESPECIALLY relatives were to be listened to, maybe not totally believed, but if they said something, we could learn from them. Then when we the younger generation became that 20 something and older demographic of the family, we then were told some other information, the sum of it being that all you heard, may NOT have always been true, or accurate…Later, I discovered a psychological term called PROJECTION: Projection is a psychological defense mechanism in which individuals attribute characteristics they find unacceptable in themselves to another person. For example, a husband who has a hostile nature might attribute this hostility to his wife and say she has an anger management problem.

And now it is 2020, and for many, albeit the most current year of our calendar, (some feel we are in the days of the dinosaur,) Our wannabe dictator, and worried President, that jail time is finally looming for him sans his re-election, has projected his plans to create chaos and a constitutional crisis for all Americans, by stating, "Usually at the end of the evening, they say, 'Donald Trump has won the election, Donald Trump is your new president,'" Trump said during a press conference at his Bedminster, New Jersey, resort. "You know what? You're not going to know this — possibly if you really did it right — for months or for years. Because these ballots are all going to be lost, they're all going to be gone," Trump said, repeating false claims about vote-by-mail ballots.





Saturday, August 15, 2020

Just today!

 We have now officially “GONE POSTAL, “the actual physical metal mailboxes are being removed, by THE POSTAL SERVICE! QAnon which only relies on the bogus, bias, and bull shit is now go-to conspiracy news welcomed at White House briefings. If you want any financial relief by the President of the United States, from the devastation of COVID, don’t vote by the safety of the mail, stand in a long cough, spittle riddled line, or just don’t vote! The Post Master General, Louis DeJoy, was one of the four accused RNC chairmen who mysteriously lost donations, or miraculously found those donations and placed them in Trump Corporations Businesses, and he is the guy demanding a slowdown and removal of any machine which may expedite the flow of mail.


The new canary in a coal mine is now called kids attending school, and like the coal miners, we wait and see if the kids get sick, get their teachers sick, or just come home from school with the homework of killing their grandparents. Left-Wing Terrorists are the haters of College Football, so if you want to save a college athlete's life and not have him play ball you just be a LEFTY SOCIALIST PELOSI LOVING GEORGE SOROS COMMIE PIG! The Trump Boys are at it with misogynistic memes, following their own fathers' emasculated mannerisms. Prince Jarod swears Trump did not start the “Birtherism Bull Shit against Kamala, it just sort of fell from thin air.


Some douchebag millionaire businessman in Houston told his staff to not wear masks as COVID is a hoax and told a 25-year-old staffer fuck off for wanting to save his grandmother's life, saying take the mask off NOW or go home and lose your job. A new Medicine Hack is besties with Trump, named Atlas because he has some magic potions which will make COVID disappear, and he is certain all kids can go to school safely because in a few months CORONAVIRUS will be old news and vanish. Oh, yeah Mitch McConnell’s pack of zombies is on recess, because, there is too much real work to be done in the Senate, and doing real work leaves traces of fact, and fact may hinder the hijacking of voter fraud planned by the GOP. And there is STILL a chance Trump could win a second term!

Friday, August 14, 2020

you say!

 “You say you want a revolution

Well, you know
We all want to change the world

You tell me that it's evolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world

But when you talk about destruction
Don't you know that you can count me out
Don't you know it's gonna be all right?
All right, all right” (Revolution/John Lennon)


“Just as the SEALs surmounted obstacles to bring Osama bin Laden to justice, so too would the Martin County School system find a way to provide parents with a meaningful choice of in-person instruction or continued distance learning.” Gov. Ron DeSantis


"These football players are very young, strong people, and physically, I mean they're physically in extraordinary shape,"  "So they're not going to have a problem, you're not going to see people, you know, could there be? Could it happen? But I doubt it. Pres. Donald Trump


“We can debate and argue all day of why and why not,” “The fact is, the amount of professionals that give the reason why we should, I can find the exact same amount of professionals that say why we shouldn’t.” “…in light of the current events when it comes to the sentiment and/or hatred toward law enforcement,” an apparent reference to nationwide protests over police brutality this summer, that it would be better if officers’ voices were not muffled behind masks and that citizens’ faces were not obscured.-Sheriff Billy Woods/Marion County Florida.


Sometimes, I must bite my tongue, really hard so my upper teeth leave an indentation on the top part of said tongue. I must induce the feeling of the pressure of TMJ, as my jaw locks NOT permitting me to expound upon the AUDACIOUS, LUDACRIOUS, FECKLESS, but FEARFUL resentment people in political power toward our kids, you kids, you and me. And YET, these people exist, wielding great power and influence, and provide enough feed for the stupid, who when they hear the dog whistle gather around for more vitals, even though their VITALES are at stake!