I had been working at a Jewish Community Center, (I have had the opportunity to have been a member of four Jewish communities, as a professional communal worker, and partially who I am today had much to do with those professional experiences.) Lots of stories to be told, many full of fantastic magic, and memories, some a bit sordid, and full of sarcasm ( like the time I was assisting with the Senior Adult lunch program, and one of our members wanted to know why we didn’t buy from retailers who sold chicken with four breasts because she was tired of having to wait her turn every other day to get a chicken breast for lunch); and some a bit mystifying as in what the fuck planet do you live!
All JCC’s have Pre Schools, an environment where the development from infants to toddlers takes preparing each child with opportunities to not only thrive but take control of the world they will soon inherit! Pre School classrooms, back in the day encouraged creative play, and interaction between the young children, helping them learn the skills of socialization, communication, and group. The teachers and aides all promoted self-esteem, demonstrating what makes us unique, and also what we have in common. During one semester of Pre School, something in common joined the classroom and that was a nasty little thing called LICE. Who knows where or when it arrived but it soon included the entire classroom in its itch, and scratch and nuisance. Taking the required route we informed all parents of the infestation of LICE and provided all the information necessary to help with its speedy elimination. The majority of parents, of course, became aggravated, but most understood that LICE happens…except for three mothers from very wealthy families…who refused to believe that their child could have been patient zero, or in fact should suffer the consequences of someone else’s family who must have been dirty, thus the carrier of LICE! These three families grew angry enough to threaten the JCC that if we did not stop permitting working mothers to send their children to Pre School, or subsidizing poorer families with scholarship money, they would have to leave. Because, as these three families understood it, only certain people could possibly keep their kids unkempt. You never know where LICE originates, but one of the little girls from the wealthiest of the three families explained that her brother has an itchy head about a week ago, one week before the LICE attacked our JCC! (Just adding that anecdotal comment).
So, now, it seems here in the year of 2020, in the Age of Trump and avoidance, accusation, and arrogance, many people believe that COVID is not a disease they need to deal with, because it is caused by other people, you know Progressives/Liberals/Anarchists/The Far Left/George Soros Jews, or Nancy Pelosi Californians. The MAGA doesn’t get COVID, so says Trump, and neither do those who worship at his altar and attend his FASCIST RALLY’S. He has made it perfectly clear only those who DO NOT WANT TO SEE HIM RE-ELECTED get the CORONAVIRUS! Over180,000 Americans have died, I have to wonder, were none of them Republican, Tea Party, MAGA, Good Nazi, Confederate Son’s and Daughters. You know only certain people are the cause of a PANDEMIC!