Friday, August 28, 2020


 rad·i·cal·ize. cause (someone) to adopt radical positions on political or social issues. So a white kid turned on by making America great again, enthused that law and order are the necessary ideals to make America great again, motivated by a cultist leader named Trump and his Good Nazi enablers, decides that instead of strapping on a homemade explosive device, he will take his assault-style rifle and shoot his perceived enemy. Kyle Rittenhouse, we are told was bullied, we are told he just loved the police, we are told he was a good boy coming from too many social disabilities. 


If Kyle’s name was Mohamad or Omar, and he had followed any other cultist leader who insisted that law and order was the only way to make Islam great again, or that people are bad when they demonstrate, the entire republican party would be demanding another invasion of another Middle Eastern nation… You see it’s the same difference. Lost kids seek a savior a superhero, who will somehow take them from being a shat upon useless human to a hero. You see no matter what their name, both are vulnerable to a greater force viler, more devious, and more eager to use others as soldiers for their own personal gain!


mi·li·tia a military force that engages in rebel or terrorist activities in opposition to a regular army. Kyle Rittenhouse thought he was part of a militia, a band of brothers whose mission is to define democracy and to define it using weapons of war. Shoot, kill, those BAD PEOPLE deserve it. Listen to FOX, to Tucker, to Ann, to Rush, to Sean, to Laura, to Pence, to Franklin to Laura and to Trump…they all have the definition of BAD PEOPLE. A 17-year-old kid is radicalized and thinks he is a member of a militia follows the madness of sociopath with psychotic tendencies, has a mother who has no idea how to nurture her kid, the kid feels he is a victim…and HE MURDERS people. What, Huh, In America, Oh in Trump’s America!