In 1950, the popular radio quiz show You Bet Your Life made its television debut. Hosted by the Marx Brothers' Groucho Marx, the program featured two contestants from the studio audience taking part in an unscripted discussion that showcased Marx's ad-lib talents. The contestants then answered questions for cash. At the beginning of each show, a "secret word" was revealed to the studio audience. If a contestant mentioned the secret word during the course of the show, a stuffed duck — to which $100 was attached — dropped from the ceiling.
In 2020, an unpopular and unstable jerk is running amuck and afoul of the law; he is also running this nation as if it was a quiz show of sorts, and unlike the 1950 ‘You Bet Your Life’ quiz show, our lives are really at stake! Trump is not a comedian, although he plays one in real life. Trump is not a host of a quiz show, but he pretends that all Americans are his studio audience and plastered to his every self-imposed importance. BUT like the 1950’s TV Quiz show, in which the announcer, announced the SECRET WORD, Trump and his PR anarchists and self-appointed treasonous have also come up with a new SECRET WORD…and that word has scary connotations for the misinformed and the ignorant, it is called MANIFESTO: similar to past SECRET WORDS used by Trump-like SOCIALISM, ANTIFA, CHINA VIRUS MANIFESTO it is presented as if Trump understands its meaning, and if he uses it enough in ways to hopefully place the plastic bag over the heads of the MAGA and their GOOD NAZI pals, FEAR will resonate, and no one will want to vote for Biden or those suddenly nasty left-wing Dems.
MANIFESTO: A public declaration of principles, policies, or intentions, especially of a political nature. The intention with this SECRET WORD is simple and one of the tricks up the sleeves of the Trumpster’s to misinform the already ignorant. Trump’s Swamp Things are going to start with the word MANIFESTO, then lead to something called The Communist Manifesto, written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, which was first published in 1848. It formed the basis for the modern communist movement as we know it, arguing that capitalism would inevitably self-destruct, to be replaced by socialism and ultimately communism. And try to link the Dems as Left-Wing Radicals wanting to replace Democracy with something else. Soon, the BUZZ will be is Joe Biden trying to replace our Democracy by issuing a MANIFESTO, just like the Commies, not the Putin Commies, but the Chinese Commies. In actuality, Trump is proclaiming that the Dems are trying to emulate the GOP in the disparaging and destruction of democracy. Start counting how many times the word MANIFESTO is going to be used, and listen to the scary music in the background!
And by the way, a MANIFESTO had been proclaimed by the US it was called, The Manifest Destiny, a phrase coined in 1845, is the idea that the United States is destined—by God, its advocates believed—to expand its dominion and spread democracy and capitalism across the entire North American continent. Remember, say the Secret Word, MANIFESTO, and you bet your life is gonna suffer the consequences!