Monday, May 15, 2023

blame, blame, shame

 Residents vote against school funding after rightwingers protest “demonic” trans bathroom policy.

After an angry crowd accused the district of "moral depravity" with its "Luciferian" policy, a vote for a school tax levy failed. (LGBTQ Nation)


A gay Congressmember introduced a resolution to honor all mothers just in time for Mothers’ Day in response to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s (R-GA) statement that a lesbian adoptive mother is not a real mother. (LGBTQ Nation)


Ron DeSantis claims he heard people won’t let their kids join the military because of drag queens.

DeSantis also blasted the military for "embracing things like gender ideology." (LGBTQ Nation)


Replace the words Drag Queens, or Trans, or Lesbian with Jew, Black, Brown, Asian, Muslim, and Immigrant. Scapegoats are always necessary for the bully to motivate self-loathing people to become victims. History is indeed critical because history has provided the world, for eons, with groups of people who were necessary to explain away the evils of the bully!


History has also proven that the HATE never stops with one minority, nope, people like Putin-Green/DeSantis/the MAGA always must find new enemies, so no one notices it their OWN SHIT THAT STINKS!

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