Tuesday, May 30, 2023

the effect of CAUSE

 Runaway AI Is an Extinction Risk, Experts Warn

A new statement from industry leaders cautions that artificial intelligence poses a threat to humanity on par with nuclear war or a pandemic.(NBC News)


Here is the thingie, yep the THINGIE!


Has no one ever read Science Fiction Novels, Short Stories, or watched at least ONE Science Fiction movie? Have none of the Capitalistic, Greedy, Tech Innovators, Tech Start-Up Underwriters, Financers, or Bankers ever, EVER looked beyond their own Bottom Lines, beyond their own sense of entitlement? 


It ain’t “brain surgery”, as the phrase goes, to understand that unless controls are established during the creation of technology, space travel, medicine, and science the future becomes a little more bleak and worrisome when the priority is seemingly based on PROFIT!


Yes, advancements in how we live, what we do, and how we do it are wonderful, but if no one is actually looking at the CAUSE AND EFFECTS of modernization, the effects may cause more harm than intended. Fiction has turned into fact, right in front of our faces, and the more this societal fiction ferments, the more poisonous it becomes leading to rot and ruin!