Thursday, May 11, 2023

Oversight or No-sight

 Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer set out to make President Biden look corrupt, but the Republican admitted he still can't find any evidence. 

And finally, as a worthwhile Washington Post analysis explained, the more the Oversight Committee looks for evidence of a presidential family influenced by foreign money, the worse they make Donald Trump appear. (MSNBC)


I have permitted myself to read snippets of the TRUMP PROPAGANDA, sponsored and endorsed by the seemingly wanna-be FOX anti-democracy cable outlet CNN. To watch this criminal and his facial gestures, vacant stares, and gyrations, have become a danger to my nervous system. 


I had to know how, after this debacle and TRUMP Campaign presented by CNN, how the CNN Talking Heads and supposed Journalists would try and spin this CNN-created fiasco. And lo and behold John King, told his listening audience, and I paraphrase, that some may be upset with this town hall, but since Trump is leading g in the Republican Primary polling, he should have been offered a chance at a town hall. King continued his no apology by adding that CNN will make available to any other candidate an opportunity for their own town hall. WHAT JOHN KING DID NOT SAY, WAS, that TRUMP tried to overthrow our Government and Constitution. What the fuck.  Once again a Media outlet has done its best to normalize a criminal running for the office of President.


AND in addition to Trump welcoming White Supremacist/White Nationalists, Senator Tommy Tuberville from Alabama, said “We are losing in the military so fast. Our readiness in terms of recruitment,” Tuberville said, according to the station’s transcript of the May 4 interview. “And why? I’ll tell you why. Because the Democrats are attacking our military, saying we need to get out the white extremists, the white nationalists, people that don’t believe in our agenda.” (AP) “I look at a White nationalist as a, as a Trump Republican. That’s what we’re called all the time, a MAGA person, that’s what I’m just that. Well, I agree that we should not be characterizing Trump supporters as White nationalists,” the Alabama Republican said. (CBS)


But the GOP goons in the House have no time to go after Trump, just President Biden. Are we as Americans fucked?