Monday, November 30, 2009
exception making
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
kidney stones
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
thanks for giving
The giving of thanks, I find should not always be reserved for the 26th of November, but might indeed be spread across the hours of every day all 365 of them in a year.
Whether or not we speak with gratitude for our health, whisper in hushed tones about our finances, calmly sigh as we find sanctuary from rush hour traffic, long commutes, or shout with delight regarding the quality of people in our lives, most of us find a moment to say “thanks”!
It seems in America, we have conceived a Holiday which permits gushes of glee, torrents of terrific, hours of hurrah, and moments of my oh mys’s mostly centered on a facade of safety and cozy surrounded with food, family and friends.
This is America, and we assume that no matter what may be wrong can and will be made right. This is America, and we assume our beliefs have as much weight as anyone else’s opinions. This is America and we assume that “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”, as described by our founding fathers, still carries weight no matter, gender, color, religion, income. This is America and we assume with holidays like Thanksgiving, we are good people, who care, who are inclusive, and who are generous and giving. This IS America, and we assume we are the good guys/gals. We assume good triumphs over evil, truth triumphs over lies, and hard work, honest thoughts, pure intentions triumph over gluttony, greed and maliciousness.
In the few months leading up to Thanksgiving 2009, America has seen a growing disconnect among its citizens, against new and different, challenging its foundations. These foundations as they were established were to create equality, fairness and justice for all. Suddenly we have seen an America which has stopped giving and now want to deny.
We want to deny health coverage to some Americans. We who have, what we think is a good health insurance policy, believe that we earned that right. And if others are too poor, not as hard working as we, or are constantly ill with poor nutritional habits, don’t deserve our kind of health care. We have this attitude that it is a free market, this America of ours, and you must pay your way, earn your way, and struggle like we did.
We want to take away laws that permit equal rights for some and replace them with not equal… but separate. We disguise our discomfort, our fears, our bigotry in a blanket of religion and self proclaimed morals, by defining marriage as a sanctimonious institution set aside for one man and one woman. We invoke passage and scripture of the holiness of marriage for heterosexuals, assuming within the heterosexual marriage, there is never infidelity or adultery. And if a husband cheats on his wife or a wife has an affair while married, they have not harmed the Institution of Marriage, just made a little dent in its foundation.
We have once again embraced our perceived hierarchy of race and its prominent place in our society that so precisely denied access to power in the America. We elected our first African American President, but through our own insecurities, self loathing, and dimished self respect, have refused to accept his election and thrown the principals of Democracy out the window. We have tried to reinstate the status of white as the alpha any one else less than.
We have renewed our lines in the sand denying those a chance to debate, communicate, understand. We have permitted voices with no fact behind them to lead a harangue of fabrications mistruths- unsubstantiated folly. We have applauded their malevolent behavior because we can safely hide behind their bias and bigotry, and pat ourselves on the back for hating based only on our lack of education, lack of self esteem, lack of backbone.
We have embraced the Capitalistic mantra that win at no cost is correct forget about character or conscience. Stay sly; be sinister to avoid having the middle class or poor obtain chance or choice. Greed and gluttony have become our American way. The actions of the Executives and their legions of doom from the Corporations, Conglomerates, Banks and Wall Street are rewarded for their devious, unethical, immoral actions, while most Americans are denied “a step up”, “an opportunity”, “and fair share”.
We are embarking upon the day of turkey, the weekend of “black Fridays, the start of a national embrace of the season of lights and peace. We are approaching this National Holiday, which whether we like it or not is plump with commercials to give thanks, messages from Politicians to act like good Americans, homilies and proverbs from the pulpit to love they brother.
We want to follow our hearts, but many times it seems in this Thanksgiving 2009, we are told how to love, who to love and when to love. It seems for some, many are not deserving of thanks nor do they warrant providing thanks to.
It is Thanksgiving 2009 and it makes me worried that unless we stop and consider how we got this far and evaluate our individual responsibilities we may not have too many more Thanksgivings to be thankful for tomorrow, tomorrow and the days beyond that.
I will sit at my table with those I love, and wonder about the America I live in.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
that demon called debate!
Friday, November 20, 2009
where is walter?
I am old enough to remember, sitting in front of the television set in the living room of
my home on the day that the United States set up a blockade off the coast of Cuba. It
was, for Americans, the very real possibility of a nuclear war, not starting in Europe but
off the coastline of the United States. It was one of the first times my three sisterʼs mother and father
and I all sat in one place at one time to watch anything on television.
This was October 14, 1962.
We tuned to CBS, and only trusted one man, Walter Cronkite, correspondent/journalist to
guide us through the emotional, factual, very real threats that could bring relief or just
introduce all of us to a bleak, dead future.
Mr. Cronkite did not get into the politics of if what was happening in Cuba was right or
wrong, nor did he bring in "talking heads", from the right or the left, to debate if the
blockade was wise. What Mr. Cronkite did was to present real facts on what was
happening now and all the possible scenarios of the next steps in the already eventful
series of events. He knew we were scared and that only through lack of fact or
knowledge scared could turn into fear and fear would lead to chaos, confusion and
There was enough bickering, politicking and posturing going on in Washington. Enough
"l told you so’s," "if you had only listened to me’s", headline grabbing chicanery in front
of cameras and reporters to fill hundreds of newspapers. There was enough second and
third guesses floating like chips to fill thousands of craps tables in Vegas. There was
enough pontificating blame and blasphemy to make anyone frightened even more
anxious and afraid. So Walter Cronkite just wanted "the facts, ma’m, nothing but the
facts", to be heard by the American public.
And it was through professional television correspondents like Mister Cronkite, (who did
not try to reach the lowest common denominator of Americans, who did not try to dumb
down the news, who did not wish for fiction to be considered fact, who asked the hard
questions and did not settle for the simple answers or for no answers), I learned that truth
was possible to be heard, that honesty made sense, that ethics and values had a place in the
world of mass communications.
It is so sad that in 2009, many Americans no longer care if we receive the real news. We
have little desire to learn the facts, listen to the whole story, or allow truth to be spoken.
So many entertainers (so called news people) both on the right and the left have found a
profitable soap box and have stood high on their perch, sprouting bias, bigotry and b.s
just to ramp up their careers, and their cash flow. So often do they level charges with
little fact. So often do they accuse without any reason. So often is the story more about
THEIR cause and personality. So often do they lie without any conscience or care'?
We have so much unfinished business to complete, left over from the Bush/Cheney eight
year fiasco's. We have a recession, two wars, health care, marriage rights, civil rights, a
resurgence of religious bigotry, racial divide, climate change, joblessness (to just
name a few) to deal with, decide upon and solve. We have to find a common
denominator, a consensus, a conscience!
Yet when we tune in to television or radio, we are supplied with all the reasons "why
not", all the ruminations as to "never", all the excuses to say no. Then we are provided
the lines drawn in the sand by those whose voices we hear, words we listen to those who
disguise themselves as "fair and balanced", "news you can count on“ "the place for
And the divide grows wider the rift deeper, and the disgust greater.
I don’t linger for the years gone by to come back. N0! I am living in the present, but if
we forget how we got where we are by not learning form both the bad and the good of the past,
I doubt we can trudge along much further to the future.
Wouldn’t it be nice if we started to hear the news from people, who don’t teach or preach
partisanship, but who evoke fact and reason'? Shouldn't we demand this?
I do miss Walter Cronkite!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
I am a news “junkie”. I believe the more I know the better equipped I become to fight the battles which if not an aggressor about now may certainly find me being a victim later.
I am becoming more and more an advocate for the underdog. I have taken on a persona which wants to speak for those who can’t find their voice, act for those who become paralyzed with the pressure of fear, and react against the bad guy in hopes of the hero winning the battle.
It seems for me, my world; the one I live in, in 2009 has begun to rotate on a different axis. Its spin, it seems has shifted the momentum from RIGHT is RIGHT to, if you lie about it, deny it, shout loud enough about it, call others names, and hate in the shelter of religion WRONG is RIGHT!
For me this shift in the axis of my Earth won’t happen as predicted by the Mayans in 2012, but began its negative gyrations when the Supreme Court decided on the election of the President, continued when we were told about the “weapons of mass destruction," and now plays loud and strong with the ranting and roaring of cowards calling themselves conservatives, the religious right, or fans of FOX TV.
And during this transition from just watching the news, to reacting at it, and now writing blogs about it, I have made another transition and included someone else in my life, who must now sustain my outbursts of injustice. It is my partner Joe.
Joe has had to watch me scream at the TV as Dick Cheney and coconspirator Lizzie Cheney brag about death and dying in Iraq and Afghanistan, and commit more anti American atrocities than any terrorist. Joe has to listen as I point fingers and yell "hypocrite" as most Republican Senators or Congress People, forget their inactions during the Bush Dictatorship, and accuse President Obama of being a Socialist, Communist, or Fascist. Joe has had to endure endless hours of Keith Olberman and Rachel Maddow. And Joe has had to be witness to my righteous indignation as those on the Right are ever so wrong.
He had at first, remained silent absorbing my body language, my "hissy" fits, my temples bursting in my head. He patiently patted my brow wondering if the next fit I had would land me in the hospital. And he quietly let me blow off steam while I was swearing those evil, non caring, ELECTED OFFICIALS are getting away with murder.
Being involved with the Politics of the United States, trying to understand the reason and rhyme of why people hate, trying to let my voice, that of the common man be heard, has become an overwhelming passion of mine. It is always on my mind. And Joe is always on my mind.
The beauty of being loved by someone, is that he knows trying to make a difference is my love, so Joe has embraced the two of us, me and my trying to make change.
I write this because what is important to me is that the American Government care about its population. And I want my partner to know I so appreciate his caring about me. Makes me writing, ranting and raving so much easier to do.