Here we go again, going against the grain, as the blur between church and state in the U.S. grows hazier and less pronounced.
As the wise man/woman might have pondered after the horrendous murder spree at Fort Hood, fingers would be pointed to all the "villainous "Muslims living in America. Most of those fingers pointed would come from very self proclaimed Christians who know the "evils" of Islam. The fingers would point out that any and all Muslim(s) in the U.S. is/are dangerous and believe( s) that his/her religion is greater than the flag or the one true American religious belief Christianity. Not just any Christianity to be certain but Evangelical Christianity to be exact.
Now there is a movement by all the Christian conspiracy theorists that no Muslim serving in the Armed Services should be permitted to serve unless he/she swears on a stack of Bibles, (not the Koran), that America first Islam not at all.
The ever Christian like Evangelicals using their ever ready double standard, would not of course, ask their own brethren or sister-en, to swear America first as they see no conflict in being an Evangelical, because after all it is the preferred religion and the "unofficial" official religion of this country anyway. (It is the 10 Commandments not the Constitution on which our laws are based.)
Any act of treason or mob rule or intimidation or flag burning, or riotous acts against the citizens of this country, such as killing of abortion doctors, bombing Federal buildings, carrying guns to protest the President of the United States, carrying effigies of the President comparing him to Nazis or Communists or Socialists, or threatening to poison the Speaker of the House, voting no because the "black" man in the white house wanted "yes", DON'T count as terrorism or anti American behavior because they are done by and for people with Evangelical Christian values. Not Muslims!
Purging America of the bad guys can only be done by Evangelicals because it is only through their wisdom based on bigotry, self loathing, bias, small minded xenophobic delusions, lack of knowledge of anything different, that true evil doers can be recognized and laid at the alter to sacrifice.
The Evangelicals with the GREAT assistance from the Church of Latter Day Saints and the American Catholic Church have already set the standards for "real marriage" in this country, and now the Evangelicals, so far on their own, are defining who should be a real American, and who should be able to serve in the Military.
Seems the "we" and "they" division just grows stronger and more pronounced. The checks and balances in this Democracy seem to be dwindling and drowning. Most Republicans fear the wrath of the Evangelical so they cower in the distance and provide no roadblock for the ignorance and nonsense. Blue Dog Democrats and spineless main stream Democrats just lurk in the shadows waiting for the boogie man to leave. Seems the power of the few huff-ers and puff-ers have taken the dimensions of the winds of a Hurricane, seemingly with limitless boundaries and privilege.
Letting this unbridled arrogance go unchecked is scary and serious. For those who just laugh at the insanity and look the other way, just wait till YOU become the next target. You just never know, do you?
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