Vampires it seems live among us these days. You know the blood sucking, self serving, no scruples kind of Vampire, who never seem to die, but make our lives a slow long death.
It seems our Vampires for the most part are either the kind that run for politics, or pay amazing sums of money to those who run for politics and make sure that their special interests are a priority.
The truth in telling a Vampire from the common man as I stated was to have he/she stand in front of the mirror. No reflection, than it was an easy call; they were not of the living. Seems with our 21st Century Vampires, it has become harder and harder to place a mirror in front of them. Seems they learned some new techniques in avoiding looking in the mirror and being seen for who they really are.
Our Politician Vampires and their conspirators in blood letting the Lobbyists, avoid mirrors or any sign that might prove their hideous acts of evil. They stare clear of answering any questions truthfully, decide who it is who may broach the subject of their deeds or misdeeds, and scream so loud as to distract any truth from falling on any one's ears or eyes.
The numerous Vampires of the 50's avoided the Church or any of its facilities. It was a definite line in the sand, one could not be a Vampire and be associated with the Church. Our 21st Century Politician/Lobbyist Vampires have made an odd turn in their evolution. It seems they have embraced the church whole heartily and with fond embrace.
Our 21st Century Politician/Lobbyist Vampires, now find sanctuary in fermenting, fabricating and falsifying lies with warm wishes and urging from the clergy. Seems the church and the Vampires have found a common victim. Seems the sacred halls of the holy has become the basement for the bigoted.
Vampires of the 50's were mostly shrewd creatures, knowing that avoiding the mirror, meant ensuring one more neck to suck dry, one more soul to claim. Our 21st Century Politician/Lobbyist Vampires use slick marketing firms, lemming like loons, disenfranchised dummies, and the voices from the alter to avoid the glass of the mirror.
Sunlight streaming in on the 50's Vampires was a great way to watch victor become the victim in Vampire culture. The slow painful glowing rays of light hitting the white emotionless bodies made the audience hoot and howl, as the bad guy finally got his/her just reward.
We were told by the Obama Administration we too could overcome the evils of our Politicians/Lobbyists Vampires, by increasing our transparency and allowing the sunlight to shine on all transactions done by Elected officials as well as any and all Civil Servants. We would finally watch the sun shine on misdeeds, selfish calculations, personal privileges, and tedious schemes paid for by taxpayers. Laws, rules, and punishment for breaking those rules would be as harsh as the sun kissed beams on the skins of the Vampires.
After 8 years of less and less transparency by the anti democracy crusaders Bush and Cheney, and their ever ready to commit evil Republican majority in congress, the thought of sunlight showering over the 21st century Politician/Lobbyist Vampire seemed like Heaven on Earth. Somehow though, our current Vampires still hide in the dark recesses never admitting how much money they receive from the Pharma-Conglomerates or the Health Insurance Cartels to stop Health reform for all Americans. Or who is exactly behind the so called "grass roots" organizations creating inciting funding the "birthers", and "tea baggers"
And somehow, transparency has not transcended beyond "talking points".
There is a new Vampire movie coming to theaters soon. It seems the plot of that movie is the realization that Vampires have grown so great in number, they have eliminated most of the human race. Their food supply it seems is becoming short supply.
I wonder how much longer it will take our 21st Century Politicians/Lobbyist Vampires to run amok, pillage, steal, deny, any true American of their rights as once listed in the U.S. Constitution and actually lose their food supply? Or will they have grown so gluttonous as to not really care?
At least in the Vampire movies of the 50's, as the reel came close to the end, and the rods of lighting and the percussion of thunder rolled across the screen, and the chanting mobs surrounded the castle upon the mountain, the movie goer was relieved to find that good did triumph over evil. the vampire got what he had coming to him.
Why is it that I suspect as this reel of the 21st century Politician/Vampire is coming to an end, I am the one getting the shaft, and no good will come to me?
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