Monday, November 2, 2009

a eureka moment.

I had a Eureka moment.

It seems when am issue becomes "of grave concern" for the rich and powerful of this country, it becomes "of grave concern", because the issue relates directly to them. Only when economic, health, social, or cultural matters, actually matter to the day to day existence of the rich and powerful does any action, to counter the negatives take place.

The rich and powerful were riding high on the non trickle down part of the "trickle down" economics of the Bush regime. All that was to trickle down to the middle class and poorer, was in reality trickling up in the form of tax cuts for the wealthy, or simply said, more money not going anywhere at all, just staying in the bank accounts of the rich.

When recession and economic down turn started to knock down the ivy covered walls of the rich and the grubby greedy gluttonous acts of selfishness eked into the neighborhoods and offices of the rich did the first hue and cry become released and as they say in NASA "Houston, we have a problem".

The average Joe and Jolene were being hit hard, jobs being lost, homes once proudly owned were shamefully ripped away, and the typical American was floundering. BUT, we were told that to remedy THAT situation, we needed to help the Banks and Wall Street first. We needed to stem the tide and destitute and despair by helping the rich maintain their riches, and eventually the less rich to, well, remain STAUS QUO!

On the issue of Health Care, most of the ELECTED officials who want to deny better and equal care for Americans have little to invest in the argument for passing anything at all. The Senators and Representatives all have the finest assortment of Insurance paid for by the Government. And to top off the icing on that "socialist" cake those same shameful sinners, get reimbursement from the various lobbyist groups that oppose a reform of Health Care, Health Insurance Cartels or Pharma-Conglomerates.

If the actual ELECTED officials don't receive enough kickbacks to NOT actually pass a bill that would equalize care in this country, they can rely on money their spouses receive for sitting on Boards of Directors or actually working for the Health Insurance Cartels, Pharma- Conglomerates.

The only time we even hear about the dire need for health reform with Health Care is when one or two ELECTED officials had experiences with an almost fatal disease saw some "higher" power that shook some sense of conscience into them. And the only time we need to SUDDENLY and IMMEDIATELY look into funding some disease that the middle class and poorer have been suffering with for decades, is when some ELECTED official comes down with it or his/her family member. Then of course there is OUTRAGE and urgency is immediate.

I had a Eureka moment, more like a "DUH", Homer Simpson slap on the head moment, and thought, what a fool I have been. The rich and powerful just keep on keeping on, and the middle class and poorer just wade through the muck and mire wishing and hoping. And somehow I, we who are not the rich or famous allow this madding behavior to continue.

Now if only I could have a Eureka moment as to how to stop this ridiculous pattern from continuing.

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