I am a news “junkie”. I believe the more I know the better equipped I become to fight the battles which if not an aggressor about now may certainly find me being a victim later.
I am becoming more and more an advocate for the underdog. I have taken on a persona which wants to speak for those who can’t find their voice, act for those who become paralyzed with the pressure of fear, and react against the bad guy in hopes of the hero winning the battle.
It seems for me, my world; the one I live in, in 2009 has begun to rotate on a different axis. Its spin, it seems has shifted the momentum from RIGHT is RIGHT to, if you lie about it, deny it, shout loud enough about it, call others names, and hate in the shelter of religion WRONG is RIGHT!
For me this shift in the axis of my Earth won’t happen as predicted by the Mayans in 2012, but began its negative gyrations when the Supreme Court decided on the election of the President, continued when we were told about the “weapons of mass destruction," and now plays loud and strong with the ranting and roaring of cowards calling themselves conservatives, the religious right, or fans of FOX TV.
And during this transition from just watching the news, to reacting at it, and now writing blogs about it, I have made another transition and included someone else in my life, who must now sustain my outbursts of injustice. It is my partner Joe.
Joe has had to watch me scream at the TV as Dick Cheney and coconspirator Lizzie Cheney brag about death and dying in Iraq and Afghanistan, and commit more anti American atrocities than any terrorist. Joe has to listen as I point fingers and yell "hypocrite" as most Republican Senators or Congress People, forget their inactions during the Bush Dictatorship, and accuse President Obama of being a Socialist, Communist, or Fascist. Joe has had to endure endless hours of Keith Olberman and Rachel Maddow. And Joe has had to be witness to my righteous indignation as those on the Right are ever so wrong.
He had at first, remained silent absorbing my body language, my "hissy" fits, my temples bursting in my head. He patiently patted my brow wondering if the next fit I had would land me in the hospital. And he quietly let me blow off steam while I was swearing those evil, non caring, ELECTED OFFICIALS are getting away with murder.
Being involved with the Politics of the United States, trying to understand the reason and rhyme of why people hate, trying to let my voice, that of the common man be heard, has become an overwhelming passion of mine. It is always on my mind. And Joe is always on my mind.
The beauty of being loved by someone, is that he knows trying to make a difference is my love, so Joe has embraced the two of us, me and my trying to make change.
I write this because what is important to me is that the American Government care about its population. And I want my partner to know I so appreciate his caring about me. Makes me writing, ranting and raving so much easier to do.
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