Monday, November 2, 2009

preying or praying eyes

As long as we hate appropriately in God's good graces, then it is really not bad hate, it is righteous indignation, with Biblical support, based on nothing but someone's interpretation of some dogmatic religious book of law.

Once we site scripture, chapter and verse, salt it up with personal bias and bigotry whose base we swear comes from God's own words, then the implementation of such hate is easier to achieve.

We feel we can take away rights from other citizens because those rights were never really granted by the real "higher" power, just temporarily designed to be law, by a few rebellious, non Christian/Judaic, pagans who actually thought in the United States the Constitution separated church from state.

To hate others, it is first necessary to be afraid. To be afraid of others means most likely we are scared of ourselves. We are afraid of our character flaws. We fear that by accepting those different than us is to admit we might be different from, well the "crowd", the group. We are afraid to admit our weakness. Never admit we couldn't do something or achieve it if we wanted, just admit that those people not like us made or make it impossible to find our own goals. Lack of ownership of anything else is, flawed is safer.

The louder we hate the scarier we become. The scarier we become and few will want to venture into our business to find what is real and what is made up. The louder we scream and rant and rave, the scarier our message sounds, and no one will bravely want to question the reasoning behind it. And when we question the reasoning, it becomes confusing to try and find any grain of truth.

And so, the religious right wants to make two categories of Americans into law in Maine; equal and equal but separate. Ignoring Constitutional rights, using fear and misinformation as the basis for change, ignoring the ruined lives of those same sex couples who want to enjoy the right of marriage, the bigots want to disallow marriage rights for the LBGT community.

Remember when the German Government decided to take away any and all rights of the Jewish population. Remember when Jewish rights became the "Jewish problem", and finally became the "Jewish solution"?

Wonder when some of the good ole' boys and girls of the South might think Blacks have had too much freedom and rights in this country. After all equal rights stuff allowed it caused some non-white person to become President; got to put a stop from that happening again.

And in a country supposedly blessed with a Constitution that states a separation of Church and State, and 233 years of a nation "for the people by the people", we are now trying to take away civil, human rights.

And no one of any power, no one with a true sense of Democracy seems to care. All the ELECTED officials too cowardly to display a conscience jut look the other way or just say, it is the will of the people. If it were the will of the people, then women would not be permitted to vote, the civil rights act would have never been passed and "for coloreds only" signs would still be hanging, interracial couples would go to jail before going to the church to marry. If it were left up to the will of the people, we would deny most rights to anyone who just didn't fit into the self described norm, of the "will of the people".

Where is the will, the spirit, the soul the humanness of our ELECTED officials? Bigotry oozes into being a coward oh so well. How about the will of a back bone to say all Americans are and should be EQUAL. Not the will of those who just shout God's name louder and screechier.

Makes me wonder who might be next to be the scapegoat. Who might be the next victim of a religious madness to keep us all safe from preying eyes or is that PRAYING eyes?

Where are the real God's children, the real hero's who understand how America should and could work, think and feel?

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