I AM a man who IS a good citizen. I AM a man who IS a tax payer. I AM a man who DID have to place my name in the Draft Lottery during the time of the Viet Nam War. I AM a man who IS working and HAS been working for almost 44 years. I AM a man who IS a real American.
I AM a CITIZEN who when the Preamble of the Constitution states "...We the PEOPLE..." I AM one of those PEOPLE. I AM a man who when the Preamble to the Constitution says, "...In order to form a more perfect union... provide for common defense... establish justice... secure blessings of liberty to OURSELVES...", IS an equal member of the OURSELVES so stated.
I AM a CITIZEN who when Amendment 1 of the Bill of Rights states, "... Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..." IS offended when the Church of Latter Day Saints
and the Catholic Church try to interfere with our secular Government and make great effort to deny ME the right to marry based on THEIR dogmatic biased beliefs. I AM a CITIZEN who clearly understands that there is a separation of Church and State and TAKES great offense that the bigotry and segregation of Religion IS allowed to seep into the Politics of this country with no effort by this country's Government to halt the tide of growing HATE.
I AM an AMERICAN who when Section 1 of Amendment XIV of the Constitution reads, "... All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, ARE CITIZENS of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state SHALL MAKE or ENFORCE any laws which SHALL ABRIDGE the PRIVILEGES or immunities of CITIZENS... nor SHALL any state DEPRIVE any person of life, liberty... nor DENY to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws..." I AM an AMERICAN who has just seen my rights DENIED in Maine and previously in California. I AM an AMERICAN as EQUAL as the small minded self loathing homophobic maniacs who yell and scream as they stand upon a stack of Bibles. I AM an AMERICAN as EQUAL as the hate mongers who bully, push, deny any discourse or view of life from THEIR xenophobic, insincere simpleton state of mind who select leaders like Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck to make decisions for THEM based on no more than self aggrandizement and patronizing paranoia.
I AM a member of this SOCIETY and as a HOMOSEXUAL, (seemingly considered a minority), as were Blacks and Women, I WANT the same rights afforded to me by the Federal Government stated in OUR Constitution so no biased MAJORITY could undermine the rights of a select MINORITY, as were done in Amendment XV (Rights Not to be Denied on Account of Race in 1870) ..."The right of CITIZENS in the United States to vote SHALL not be denied or abridged ... on account of race, color or previous servitude..." and Amendment XIX (Women's Right to Vote in 1920) "... The right of CITIZENS of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged in the United States... on account of sex..." These two Minority groups had to be recognized a AMERICAN CITIZENS and given the common right MOST AMERICANS took for granted. I want the same right that MOST AMERICANS TAKE for granted the right to MARRY.
I AM an AMERICAN CITIZEN a MEMBER of THIS society and want to charge THOSE Senators, Representatives, Presidents, Supreme Court Justices WHO have ignored the message in Article VI of MY, THEIR Constitution "... The senators and Representatives before mentioned mentioned and the members of state legislatures and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States an of the states, SHALL be BOUND by OATH or AFFIRMATION, to support THIS Constitution; BUT NO RELIGIOUS test SHALL ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States..." with TREASON for not fulfilling their ELECTED duties.
I AM accusing those ELECTED officials of abiding by a religious law to deny "same-sex" couples the SAME and EQUAL right to marry under the civil code of the Constitution of the United States. And by abiding by a religious code instead, the ELECTED officials have ignored the basic crux and foundation of OUR Constitution, which IS the law of the land; not the OLD TESTAMENT, THE KING JAMES BIBLE, THE BOOK OF MORMON or the KORAN.
I AM accusing the use of hateful religious rhetoric, bigoted religious rubbish, relying on religious rebel rousing saber rattling by OUR ELECTED officials and members of the Judiciary as Un-American, Un-Ethical, Un-Lawful.
I AM asking those with TRUE Patriotism and understanding of OUR Constitution to finally step forward and stand up for the real values America's Constitution were based upon. Not those meaningless values drawn and designed by mean spirited, hateful, scapegoating, disenfranchised, goons, who just HATE for the sake of HATING.
I AM a MAN who IS an AMERICAN. A man who believes in justice and fair. I AM a MAN who follows the laws of the United States and expect those in Government and in power to do the same. I AM a man who is tired of EQUAL being parlayed with EQUAL BUT SEPARATE. I AM a CITIZEN who must take a stand that OUR forefathers took when writing MY, YOURS, OUR
Constitution. I AM a man who HAPPENS to be, among so many other wonderful things in my life a HOMOSEXUAL. I AM a man who has HAD QUITE enough from those who deny my rights as an AMERICAN.
It is NOW time for ALL of US to reclaim OUR AMERICA!
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