Monday, March 15, 2010


I am not sure just how dysfunctional our Government has been recently? I know it is broken, I know it is filled with loopholes, I know it caters to those with money, and I know it is blasted with special interests, cratered with lies, and smothered with smarmy innuendo and self promoting and self serving politicians.

We can choose to vote the bum out, but we never seem to do so, we just replace him/her with someone new dressed in a cloak of deception, speaking from both sides of his/her mouth, telling the voter yes I can, but telling his brokers, the lobbyists, party loyalists to the extreme left or right, yes we can, and never quite voting his/her conscience, just his/her wallet, book deal, or future job once out of the political arena, saying yes I will, indeed I will.

We all have lived and are living with the consequences of unbridled behavior from the Finance “mavens”. We accepted the notion during the Republican controlled Congress and the Bush Cheney debacle of government that trickle down theory of capitalism works and will in fact make the average schnook rich enough to place more debt on his/her credit card. We were lectured that no Government interference was necessary to control the wheeling and dealings of Wall Street, and that if we couldn’t trust really smart people to run our banks, then why pay them so much in bonuses and salaries to do so in the first place?

Many Americans parlayed, partied and played under the rules of a non regulated Financial System and bought big, spent large and bit off way more than they ever could swallow. Many Americans loved the way the Republicans were wearing the flag on their lapels as they helped their contributors consisting of corporations, big business smash the budgets, savings and incomes (of too eager not to comply citizens, too busy looking ahead and not looking at their current status) to stop them.

And now based upon the reneged promises of disingenuous Elected Officials, we are told that regulation will not be good for change, but allowing the same people with disregard towards the American pocket book to figure it out. They have learned their lessons of greed and gluttony and they who did a lousy job of guarding the chickens, should once again be responsible for the protection of the hen house. It is not the American way to set regulations shout the Tea Bag group, it is not the American way for Government to control so much shout the Neo Cons, it is not the American way to disallow the rich to get richer, by protecting the poor, shout Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh. We will become Socialist, or Fascists, or Communists if we let ANYONE interfere in what our forefathers meant when they wrote the Constitution, they all shout.

And so, the harried hue and cry which unemployed workers screamed, the frantic ranting foreclosed homeowners wailed, the maddening moans from worthless stocks of share holders, the pitiful pining of pensioners losing value in their savings, are just treated as distant noise of a year gone by; and are just muted sounds of victims who are due no compensation, no counsel, no comment on change or correction.

And the 2010 mid term- elections are coming up fast, and once again as has become the case, we are being told that too much Government interference will be bad, it will bring an Armageddon much worse then the past two years under Obama. (No reference to the 8 years of Bush/Cheney who helped create the current mess). We are lectured by those who seem to benefit from the vast divide between rich and poor, educated and uneducated, whites and non whites, that regulation is a villain.

We are told to trust them, to believe in them to ignore whatever false accusations have been stated about them while they were in power. We are told that they have the hearts and minds of the American public at hand. Don’t trust the change you can count on, instead trust those who think change is unnecessary.

Dysfunctional Government, like a dysfunctional family can only remain dysfunctional until the members of the family, the members of the government take a stand and stop the negative interactions, deny the codependent behavior, and destroy the lies which masquerade as truth.

I am not sure how dysfunctional our Government has become, but maybe it has become that way because those who create the Government are the culprits and collude with the idiots who run the asylum? And all of us as members of the family of the United Stares are responsible to make some sane choices Just maybe if we do the dysfunction will end.

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