WE are now being blamed as "out to get the Pope". WE are the ones angry with the Catholic Church for denying "same sex" marriage, for denying money to the Catholic Dioceses in D.C. for permitting, gays to adopt or foster homes for orphans, for the Bishops who never read the Health Care Reform but insisted it permitted abortions for anyone who seeks them, for demanding that those priests who have molested children, boys and girls, be reprimanded by the law. WE want to know why the Archbishop in charge of the diocese in Germany (you) stopped the legalities in pursuing criminal acts by his priests towards his parishioners. WE want to know why the boss of the Vatican (you) has not intervened with more gusto, gumption, guts to stop in their tracks priests past and present from destroying the innocence of youth.
The same people who stand upon the New Testament, and portions of the Old Testament when it helps the cause, to deny human rights, like non discrimination of the LGBT community or human life when they refuse to sanction the use of condoms in Africa to avert more HIV, infection, who care little for the quality of life by dismissing abortion as abysmal and un-Godly, but who only encourage not aborting but provide little to any care once the unwanted child is born.
These same people are now lashing out at you, (as most bullies do who base the fact on baseless truths, and seem to shirk from real reason which when reasoned shouts loud and clear) you lie, you are wrong, you run the roost by your own rules.
WE want justice for those who had none. WE want those who proclaim to know God's word, to also know God's will. We want less double standards and one singular sensation of doing what is right and not what is wrong. WE want you to own up to being human, and then become humane. WE want guidance, greatness, and genuine goodness by someone who does good deeds by action and not by threats.
The priests have sinned, but they have also run amok of the law. And as WE are reminded over and over again by you, the good guy Governments are based on the Christian-Judeo ethics so their laws are certainly sanctioned by the Vatican.
You were responsible for some priests then, and now you are responsible for all.
WE are not picking on you because you are Pope Benedict XVI. Nope, we are asking you to play by the rules you preach every Sunday, and holy day and I assume in the morning and evening prayers you recite, the rules of fairness, equality, and righteousness.
And instead of owning up to your responsibilities, Your Holiness, you send out a cadre of paranoid goons to protest the protesters. One question sir, "what would Jesus do"?
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