Monday, March 1, 2010

"wanna be" hero's

And after the destruction, the devastation the disaster a “hero wanna be” tries to emerge and says, we will make things different. He or she stands before the crowd ringing his/her fingers with a dramatic crease in their foreheads and states that we… learned our lessons… “By the will of God… or by God… or gee whiz… or I wasn’t to blame”, we will change the way you perceive our deeds. (They never own up to the deeds as the creator of such deeds, but understand some may perceive that they are responsible) And for good measure without having to take all the blame they add the addendum… “And the American people need to take some responsibility and make some changes too!”

Case in point are 6 retiring Congressmen from the U.S. House of Representatives. Four Democrats and two Republicans sat with CNN host Don Lemmon and had a discussion about our Government. They were asked by Don Lemmon if the Government was broken and the majority responded that “…our Government was not broken, but needed either to be fixed or repaired…” Then each retiring Congressman stated how he would change the system or how the system should be changed and none of them really offered how they could have made those suggestions in a more meaningful and relative manner WHILE in office.

These 6 retiring Congressmen, (who will receive their hefty Government pensions, remain on the Congress dole for Health Insurance, all had dire warnings of how change was necessary now that they are leaving office), but none of them took the same serious pious point of view of helping to un-gridlock the Congress while serving on that body. They all had some wonderful suggestions as to make Americans believe in our legislative body of government, now, but none of them even uttered a peep of protest to their particular electoral parties while pretending to serve “we the people…”

Hero’s they seem to think of themselves, all 6 of them now offering criticism and change, correction and clarity, disdain and distrust; all 6 of them retiring from a mess they helped create and NOW telling us we did some bad things.

Perhaps they will write a book go on the speakers circuit or become some news station’s expert orator. While they were being paid to do the people’s business they should have come forward and complain. Now ready to retire they self promote and pontificate.

The American auto makers, in particular GM and Chrysler, fell from their lofty perch in the last few years. Arrogant and dismissive of any complaints or particulars about the quality of their product, they roamed the world as lions and tigers. They were the top of the food chain and needed no one (accept their lobbyist firms) to keep on keeping on.

Buy American was the motto, buy what we produce because its Patriotic. Quality, eh, we make new cars every year so if you don’t like the one you own now, wait till you see next years model. The American car manufacturers just thought they were unstoppable, building gas guzzlers, bigger and bigger autos, and cars that suited the perceived and marketed at American dream.

And then the price of gas went up, the foreign auto corporations built more reliable, safe, environment friendly cars and the perch upon which the American Auto industry sat, collapsed and killed quite a few workers as it fell. But not the CEO's or Executives with golden parachutes.

And now we are told to buy American once again. A mea culpa of sorts from the big 3 auto makers, saying they knew all along that their cars were not the best or reliant or Earth friendly. But after all the lemons purchased, they want us to make lemonade. After all the disregard for better mileage, they want us to now believe mpg's can make a difference. After shoddy executive decision they want us to think the problem was with the Unions, not the management. And now that the Government has taken ownership, they want us to forget the past and move forward with no hard feelings.

And now they are true hero's because after three decades of ignoring quality, care, safety, the pocket books of Americans, the Big three auto makers are making the "honest to God" kind of car "honest to God real Americans deserve.

We are your hero's because WE finally are building something you might, perhaps kind of should of believe in.

The Republican "good ole boys and girls" club from the 8 years of the Bush/Cheney dictatorship who caressed trickle down tax theories (the richer the rich get, the more crumbs they will offer the never so rich), who allowed the surplus to go into internal shock and become the largest deficit on record, who decided that the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan should not fall under the ordinary budgetary process, but could be additional budgets thus never being recognized as real budget numbers, who decided that the way lobbyists vote with their money was more valuable than real voters needs, now are in "shock and awe" that the Democrat President wants to make change and assist the American citizen in all they (the Republicans) ignored.

The Republicans pronouncing themselves as the champion of the PEOPLE,encouraging the FOX No News Network, the Pharma-Conglomorates, Health Care Cartel, anti human Evangelical Christian groups Tea Party's to thrive are marketing themselves as the new American hero's. They say they are speaking the people's voice but act more like ventriloquists putting the words in the lemmings moving lips.

The Republicans, acting like the Wizard from Oz as Toto started to draw back the curtain from which he hid the truth, ask us to pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. The Republicans, first deny the past, then rewrite the facts of history and with all else failing, refuse to address anything from the past as negative and not worth learning from.

They always want a clean sheet of paper like the kind we place at the bottom of a bird cage to catch anything falling from the cracks.

The Republicans want to be our 2010, 2012 hero. They want to make a change they can believe in and refuse to acknowledge any damage done as their fault. Move forward my friend, looking back causes nothing but a stiff neck.

Retiring Elected officials, Auto Makers, makers of mayhem, The rogue of Republican "nay sayers", all are "wanna be' hero's. They all have a better way NOW, never once owning up to the dismal dangerous paths they maneuvered the American public to walk ride and fall. They all want us to believe them NOW. They are small mined people with smaller minded intentions. They presume dumb is good. They never quite apologize, but if fault is found it is because you made us this way. We were a teeny tiny part of the mistake, but lets not reminisce over that rumination.

"Wanna be" hero's an epidemic is shooting across this nation. Once again it seems they go unstopped, unquestioned, and their deeds go unanswered.

What happened to real hero's?

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