Entitlement programs include Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, most Veteran Administration programs, Federal employee and military retirement plans, unemployment compensation, food stamps and agricultural price support programs.
Entitlement Programs at their origin were established to help the needy, the undeserved, the population of Americans who could not afford to buy the bootstraps upon which to pull themselves up. They were intended to help establish some kind of norm, set some kind of standard, and create the ability to stay healthy, eat enough to live by and pay appreciation for your armed service, your years of employment, your time in your life when just the Judea-Christian harangue was just not enough to support your every day existence.
We have now, (with the help of disenfranchised, self defeating, bigoted, uneducated bands of conscience marauders) decided that anyone who needs an entitlement program is either a socialist, a minority, lazy, undeserving money grubber living on the fat of the land owned by the decedents of of true Americans. The self identified true Americans need nothing more than the Bible, hate for differences, and a subscription to some Family Values/Right To Life/NRA/FOX and Friends organization to prove that they are right and anyone they deem wrong is wrong.
If you listen to the Republican spin machine,aka, every single elected Republican in the Senate and House the need for reform in our health care insurance world is nothing but one more added Entitlement Program. According to these Elected Officials, those who really need health coverage can afford it, those unemployed who lost their medical coverage deserve nothing because they are lazy (everyone in this country who wants to REALLY work CAN), and if people had allowed the rich to remain on the tax dole, all that trickle down money would have made life better for the poor.
And so Entitlement Programs are a liberal idea, anti Christ, Socialism at its best, and determent to the any future achievements "real" Americans can achieve.
How selfish of a country have we become, and how much of a county will ever be when all we think about is ME?
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