Tuesday, March 9, 2010

from rabbi's to bankers to palin

From Rabbi’s to the Pope’s brother, from Bankers to Politicians, from Palin to plain folk, the news of people’s behavior has seeped into smaller news stories with less wham bam, but big enough “balls” to make anyone who cares about right from wrong to wonder and worry.

The status quo has erupted and hemorrhaged and the scabs left behind have left the horizon scarred and scary. Double standards straddle the earth, appalling apologies abound, and sincerity and honesty have all but vanished.

Many Americans just look the other way as religious leaders run roughshod, political panderers proliferate, and greedy bankers gain ground. Most Americans want to vote the bum out of office and instead vote in a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Many want change, but refuse to change their views with their vision becoming blinded by bigotry and bias. Most want a quick fix or any fabrication of fact that permits the easy work to be done, but ignores the horrendously, hard effort to really see a difference.

We always seem to be one step behind the evil doers in figuring out how we just got screwed. We ring our hands, wipe the sweat from our brow, and swear never again as we learn of yet one more misdeed, dumb move, dour decision and dangerous entanglement endangering our lives.

We run to the extremes to avoid consensus, we dash to conclusions but never ask the right questions, we rush to punish, never understanding the crime.

And it seems it is getting worse and worse, like dominos crashing upon one another as crisis and chaos claim our every thought, denying calm and conscience to succeed.

A 27 year old daughter of an Orthodox Rabbi tearfully described in a Brooklyn Federal Court the day 18 years ago when her father began sexually abusing her. Her father’s response was no remorse but to claim his daughter acted strangely because she had an affair with a neighbor. The Rabbi, took no ownership of his behavior, did not look at himself as a man of God, but just the father trying to cope with a crazy daughter.

Another Brooklyn Rabbi faces decades behind bars after a jury quickly convicted him of sexually assaulting a teenage boy. The response from the community this couldn’t happen in the Orthodox community so the Rabbi is innocent. The Rabbi’s response, the boy he allegedly molested, was a drug addict.

I am an Orthodox Jew, I know the Talmud so how could I do anything bad?

The Pope’s brother Georg Ratzinger said in a newspaper interview that he slapped pupils across the face after he took over the renowned German boy’s choir in the 1960’s he also said he was aware of allegations of physical abuse at an elementary school linked to the choir, but did nothing about it.

Mr. Ratzinger said it was common practice to “slap boys in the face to improve discipline”, but stopped after Germany banned corporal punishment.

There had been accusations of sexual abuse within the boy’s choir, but once again Mr. Ratzinger said that those allegations date before his tenure, and since these were never discussed he felt no obligation to confront them and perhaps find the aggressors and predators’.

It happened before it was bad. It happened to others so I just followed precedent. Once someone told me precedent changed I asked no more questions of anyone and stopped. I am a man of God.

Congress this week trudges toward a new set of rules to avert another global financial collapse; it is focused on two conflicting goals: should they reform the banking system to protect the consumers while still providing the lenders the freedom to take risks.

More than a year after the wave of risky mortgage bets brought Wall Street to its knees banks and other financial institutions are still playing by the same rule that got them and us into this mess.

Never again, shouted the Politicians, we are here to serve Main Street with the same verve and vitality as we have given Wall Street. The American consumer is the underdog and we will protect them with all the power we posses. That is after we receive our lobbying dollars from the financial institutions. We will help you after we help ourselves first.

No Government monitoring of the Financial institutes of this non socialist country shout the Republican lawmakers, they can handle the affairs of their corporations by them sleves. After all while we the (Republicans) were in office for the last 8 years, look how wonderfully they (the finance institutions) did for the American public. Well they did well by us!

California State Senator Roy Ashburn (R) admitted he is gay after he was arrested for a DUI. “I am Gay…those are words that have been difficult for me for so long…” The Senator said he tried to keep his personal life separate from his professional life; his professional life enacting as many anti LGBT initiatives and laws as possible within the state of California. So while the closeted Senator was living his hidden real life, he wanted to make sure anyone out and proud should not live any kind of life that included equality and justice. His self loathing self victimizing just oozed like a runny sore onto the lives of others he so terribly was envious of.

The State Senator went on to say”…the best way to handle that is to be truthful and to say to my constituents and all who care that I am gay…” But perhaps HAD I not been arrested for a DUI, that truth would have been unnecessary, and remaining in the lie would have been better.

Representative Eric Massa (D) of New York is leaving office under allegations he sexually harassed a male staffer. But Massa first said he was quitting because of cancer, then because there was an ethics probe, and most recently because Democrats were forcing him out so they could dump a no vote on health reform.

Not one to admit to his own poor choices in his own personal behavior, Rep. Massa has pointed fingers to anything and anyone becoming the victim and not the victimizer.

Eric Massa was brave enough to deny millions of Americans no health reform, bold enough to harass a staffer and small enough to not take responsibility for his own personal actions.

And denial, is the way to salvation. say no to everything except your own personal lust.

The Ex- Alaskan Gov. “mavericky” beauty queen, Sarah Palin has criticized Canada’s health system, saying it should be dismantled in favor of free enterprise. (is she a Canadian and we didn't know it?) But during a weekend speech in Calgary Ms Palin acknowledged her family used medical care in Whitehorse, the capital of Canada’s Yukon Territory decades ago. She winked her perky little eye, pointed that "what me worry" finger and snickered and slobbered as she told her dirty little secret.

Her father said that it was a necessity, had there been a facility in Alaska by all means they would have used that. The socialistic facility was good when it was needed, but we don’t need it now, so like the rest of the Obama socialized medicine debacle the Canadian system should not exist.

Ms Palin who runs amuck and speaks without her tongue contacting her brain, now is silent about her comments. She once again has one of her people who listens for her and then re speaks for her, but her surrogate hasn't spoken yet.

Like so much other garbage spewed by this hypocrite, she once again makes excuses for what she did and harangues others for doing or wanting the same thing.

Clergy, Politicians, Finance Moguls all running our world, all decrying the evils around us, all responsible for their own actions but none of them accepting that ownership.

Clergy, Politicians and Finance Moguls living the double standard life, preying on our fears, denying us hope, and enjoying a life that seems only good enough for them…until they get caught.

And when they caught, they are innocent and owe no one an apology. Or if they do apologize, they never admit guilt, but say if you think I offended you well then I am sorry you feel that way.

An endless array of morons, goons, and bad guys!

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