If during the debacle and disregard for anyone but the wealthy… the lax regulations of the Banking and Financial Institutions… the exchange of lobbyist money to buy a vote during the Bush/Cheney dictatorship, you found yourself unemployed, fired, or losing a job, YOU are now considered a low life, selfish, lazy individual who would rather be unemployed than work, as clearly pronounced by the Republican Senators in Washington D.C.
The vote to extend unemployment compensation has once again been stalled by the princes living in their ivory tower, who identify politically as Republicans, and who insist those unemployed are unemployed by their own free will. The men and women who segregate themselves from the real world of America, who only hob knob with CEO’s Lobbyists, and upper class wealthy businessmen have made it publically clear that being unemployed has nothing to do with the past 8 years of failed legislation, but more to do with too many free loaders. To every single man and woman all of the Republican Senators in Washington have voted to block any extension for anyone to receive furtherance of their unemployment benefits.
And all of you out there, who want to vote the bums out, make sure you have a job because the bums you want to vote in, the Neo Cons, the Tea Baggers, and the John Birchers have even more disregard for the deadbeats who refuse to find a job.
If you were ever under the impression that democracy in the United States equated to one person one vote, and spent any time reading the biographies and resumes of those running for office, and felt very empowered because YOU could go to the voting booth and cast YOUR vote, YOU are in for a rude awakening. No longer, according to the sweetheart candidates of the Tea Bagger Brigade running for office (under the banner of Republican primaries), during the mid year elections, should the power of the ballot be the motivator for electing a candidate. Nope, instead for America of 2010 it is the power of the 2nd amendment. In 7 out of 10 political ads for candidates running in Republican primaries, there is an inference an insistence, an intimidating factor which explains that if you can’t vote out the bum by ballot, perhaps one should consider their 2nd Amendment right, the right to bear arms.
The right wing/Tea Baggers/Libertarians/ Fox News supported candidates/GOP hooligans have all insinuated that this might be the year to use force to force the vote. All of the candidates’ express two identifiers that they know will resonate with the disenfranchised, delusional, dysfunctional voters, they have a 100% rating from the National Rifle Association and they are good Christian soldiers.
If you ever believed that the Constitution was a document to protect Americans from a government that might run roughshod or become dictatorial or a government which would deny civil rights, YOU had better throw some cold water on your face wake up and take notice of those who read the Constitution as an extension of their particular version of a Christian Bible.
Starting, in the Bush/Cheney dictatorship, enforced by the Republican majority, Habeas Corpus was eliminated. Continuing with the appointment of Republican activist justices to the Supreme Court who proudly identity as Federalists first and Supreme Court justices second, permeating to those states who need a scapegoat to blame their short comings on (Arizona and their unconstitutional illegal’s law), and now like flatulence floating above the heads of the Republican/Aryan Nation, KKK, Confederate loving Tea Bag candidates the Constitution is being banded about as a personal document for white, heterosexual, Christian citizens only!
People like Tea Bag favorite Rand Paul of Kentucky is questioning the denied rights of business owners who do not want to serve blacks. The John Roberts Supreme Court and its activist Republican majority of Justices deciding that corporations are people, the Republicans in the Republic of Texas who want to brand homosexual Americans as criminals have all decided that the Constitution needs adjustment to suit their biases. They scoff and scorn at Progressives who read the Constitution as an all inclusive binding proclamation and insist that they (the Neo Cons/the Evangelical/the corporate driven Republicans) are the true decipherers of the true meaning the fore fathers had in mind when completing the Constitution.
If any one of YOU thought that America reached a milestone in electing its first Black president, that we finally waved good bye to a president (Bush) who flouted that ignorance was bliss, corporate greed was good, or were going to put back in place rules and regulations (ripped apart by the republican majority in Congress) that were fair and favored the average American, you had better RETHINK, and RECONSIDER.
America of 2010 is becoming a scary place where the dumb are gaining power, the ignorant more baseless resolve, the angry momentum, and the lemmings leading the way. America is taking 5 steps back and permitting biases, bigotries and self serving people to shape our destiny.
When will it be too late to move ahead? When will it be too much to overcome? When will it be just too bad we were not smarter?
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