So, the big boys, the OIL CEO’s all standing straight and tall with their hands up to swear the truth, finally permitted some of the truth to enter the universe and said, none of them, to every man, had real contingency plans in place should a deep water well, or that matter almost any well erupt, and begin dispersing crude. They piled up and chastised their BP cohorts and in a quiet kind of voice, the kind used when you want as little attention as possible, said they were disappointed in the misinformation and tomfoolery BP managed to bestow upon this nation of ours.
So, BP is still in charge of the clean up of the mess they created, calling the shots and controlling any and all commentary possible. No Haz Met uniforms for the clean up crew, no pictures of the dead wildlife floating to shore, to real substantiated number of barrels of oil coating the ocean and the beaches, no nothing unless the PR department at BP gives the official okee doekee. No offers of help accepted, because BP can take care of this themselves, thank you very much.
So, Senator Murkowski (R) of Alaska, Senator Inhofe ( R) of Oklahoma, and Governor Haley Barbour ( R) of Mississippi find little to fret about regarding the lies, the crime and the lack of follow through by BP and insist once we get to the cause of this incident we can move forward and continue to drill baby drill. The two Senators do not want to punish all the oil companies and feel asking for too much compensation might deter the oil companies from wanting to even drill. Governor Barbour has not read much about the spill as he is still insisting we must find the cause for a freak accident like the one in the Gulf, (not once noticing that the freak accident took place because BP never intended to provide any safety features to avoid the freak accident).
So, the President spoke to the American people, quietly sharing his grief and dismay with all of us, and semi loudly promising BP would own the responsibility of this accident, pay the costs for its unprofessional behavior, and clean baby clean the shoreline, the wildlife and the lives of those in the Gulf who have been drown in the sea of goop and gunk. He compared the will of the American people to the same will and power that brought us out of the throws of the Second World War, commented on the academic achievements of those he has placed in charge to handle the government’s response, and slightly mentioned the need to immediately begin weaning us off the use of carbon based fuels.
So the foxes are still guarding the henhouse, a truth was admitted with no one asking the liars to immediately remedy the falsehoods they have perpetuated, and why did they lie in the first place. Fingers as always were pointed to someone else’s errors; the high and mighty politicians claimed no ownership in lax regulations, or enforcing the law. The Conservatives still want less big government; the Progressives want action right this minute. The President got all pomped and circumstanced speaking from the Oval Office, and the Republicans feigned any direct responsibility for creating a an OIL CARTEL giant so large that not even David could knock them dead with a slingshot.
So 58 days later, we are still dazed and confused, dismayed and distraught, lectured to and spoken at, promised change and left with the status quo. So, 58 days later we have no consensus, more politics, dead wildlife, unemployed people, divisive propaganda, and facts only floating to the surface when forced from the depth of the sea. So, 58 days later and somehow nothing has changed.
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