Sitting upon his holier than thou perch nestled in his ivory tower in the US Senate Building offices, serving in his 33rd year, Republican Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah has pronounced by assumption, that unemployed people for the most part use their unemployment benefits for drugs. And to curtail the unproven, but assuredly so behavior, Senator Hatch wants to have all unemployed people take a drug test before receiving any benefits from the Government.
When asked how the government would pay for the millions and millions of drug tests necessary for the millions and millions of unemployed Americans (the ones who did not benefit from the Bush, Cheney dictatorship/ Republican era controlled tax breaks for the wealthy), Senator, (I have been in Washington for too many years and have no idea of the real world), Hatch said the money saved from providing the dismal unemployment check for all the ‘druggies’, would more than pay that expense.
Instead of spending his waking hours wondering how the unemployed might find jobs or finding ways to stimulate the economy to provide jobs, the Senator from Utah is busy demonizing the unemployed and assuming that they are unemployed because it is easier than finding a job. And while these maggots are lounging around doing nothing all day, they must surely be shooting, snorting or popping drugs.
Like many so called Conservative Republican politicians in this country solving the REAL problem takes too much time and effort, so it is more practical to create a false dilemma and immediately find a resolve for the imagined and not the real.
Decked out in his American flag lapel pin, wearing the red white and blue slightly stripped tie, sitting in the hallowed halls of the House of Representatives, the state of Texas’s (the state that insists secession is still an option if they don’t like how democracy works in the US), Congressman Joe Barton, chastised President Obama for his ‘shakedown of BP’ during the current oil spill disaster in the Gulf.
In a country which, (ever since the Republican activist Supreme Court deemed corporations having the same rights as individuals), prides itself in capitalism, said good ole’ boy, receiver of large bouquets of oil lobbyist money Representative Barton, the presidents actions were un-American and very socialistic. The President, according to Barton was wrong in chastising, and shaking down an American icon such as BP. It is like degrading any hard working citizen. And echoing the comments from such Republican luminaries (or is it loonies) such as John Boehner House Minority Speaker, Michelle Bachman Congresswoman from the 6th district of Minnesota, and Haley Barber Governor of Mississippi, it was only an accident, and accidents happen to all of us.
Representative Barton said he was speaking on his own behalf, while making the call that President Obama was conducting a shakedown, but the boys and girls of the Republican spin machine, did worry that the intelligent Americans, the one who do not care that the president is a black man, a smart man, a man of compassion, might read through the lines and understand Representative Barton was speaking on behalf of all the Republicans receiving tons and tons of dirty oil lobbyist cash. So, one by one the Republican leadership stated that Joe was expressing a frustration, and misspoke. They (the Republican grand pooh bahs), twisted a few elbows and Mister Barton apologized. He did the kind of apology that is common in this day and age, which goes like this, “…if anything I said was hurtful to you I apologize…”
Representative Barton publically criticized the president for his handling of the BP crisis, but like all good cowards, sat in a non-public closed door meeting of Republican leadership and supposedly expressed his gravest mia-culpa’s to them. We are assured by the leadership that Mr. Barton has repented and is no longer on the side of the criminals called BP. Of course we were not privy to Barton’s conversations, but told by the same bunch of hoodlums who rely on fear and loathing for truth, to believe their word.
There is a so called rally to vote the bums out and vote in those who call themselves virgins in the world of politics. We hear cries from those running for political office that they are not career politicians-yet. We are told that the Constitution has been trampled on, the US is turning into a socialistic and communistic state and if elected these non ‘beltway boys and girl’ will make America whole again, Christian, non minority, the rich get richer, substitute the Bible for the Constitution whole.
And as we decide to get even with the current bums, we get snookered and slimed by the lies and lamentations of those who only seek self preservation and self promotion. We watch as they criticize those in power and wait until the new bums ride the elevator to their penthouse located in the ivory tower once occupied by the old bums.
Senator Hatch, Representative Barton are still in Congress, they still have great power, and greater influence. They both receive large donations from lobbyists, and have isolated themselves from anything real or right unless it serves the interests of their benefactors thus serving their own needs.
Both bums, Hatch and Barton should have been booted out a long time ago, but have survived. Perhaps it’s not about the ‘bums’ as much as it is about the ivory tower upon which they thrive. This election should be more about demolishing and destroying the ivory towers. When a ship is sinking the rats have no choice but to dive into the water and drown.
Wonder where selfish, self serving do as is ay not as I do rats end up?
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