Thursday, June 3, 2010

errors honest?

Honest errors. Mistakes made and corrected because the erroneous commentary is not true, never was meant to be true, and no matter how you sort it, is simply put, a lie.

In the Land of Lincoln, Illinois, a state besieged with corrupt politicians GOP Senate Candidate Mark Kirk has been caught in a lie. He has culled his red white and blue patriotic misinformation and has told the public, via his website, printed materials, video, that he (Kirk) was the only member of Congress to serve in the US-led Iraqi invasion that began in 2003. It seems that Mr. Kirk, a member of the Navy Reserves served stateside and never hit the dusty roads of Iraq. Mr. Kirk also stated in various publications and talk shows that he served in the conflict.

Mr. Kirk had plenty of time to correct his fabrications (say from 2003 to the present), but not until some wise reporters did a little discovery, did Mr. Kirk and his horde of campaign advisors, decide to speak publicly about the mistruth. Of course as is the case with many politicians, they never admit to an honest error, but insist what they said originally was taken out of context or misunderstood. Of course they then blame the other camp for misconstruing their own words, and try so hard to become a victim, victimized by others. Imagine if he Mr. Kirk is lying about his military career, the amount of phony he will provide the electorate of Illinois, should they decide that his Tea Bagger roots are more important than the truth!

Then there is Sarah Palin. She is a woman who discounts honesty, romanticizes the ridiculous, ridicules sense and sensibility, and cares very little for fact or factual. She is surrounded by legions of losers who love her hate, bigotry, and loose lips. If there is record of her pronouncements on tape, in print Sister Sarah pouts purses her lips, and announces some evil doer is out to get her and has taken anything she has said or done out of context.

Sister Sarah has dramatically stated “drill baby drill” anywhere and anytime. She has made it clear that drilling is the answer to Americas need for energy and has denounced anyone who disagrees as a commie, anti American or a democrat. Sister Sarah also made it perfectly clear in her Ms Wasilla voice that we don’t need time to study the safety issues of drilling on land or in the deep oceans, and the longer we hesitate the more those darn Arabs will become richer and richer. She is on record, on video in print chanting her mantra of “drill baby drill”.

But now that we have drilled baby drilled and the issue of safety, or study, of backup was never addressed Sister Sarah is once again lying. Not one to EVER admit to an honest mistake, pathetic Palin is now stating she was misunderstood, her enemies are to blame for taking her out of context, the environmentalists are the ones who want to drill baby drill. And as in the case of Mr. Kirk from Illinois, the Tea Bag Brigade and the slew of weasely Republican politicians deny the reality of truth and act as victims.

I amaze at how the Republican politicians the Tea Bag Bagger Brigade avoid the truth. I am astonished at how the very words or actions of the Tea Bagger Brigade and Republican candidates are ignored. I am aggravated that the same people, who say they stand for God, Justice, Honesty, and Good allow their candidates to lie, misrepresent, deny the truth. I am appalled that not one single Tea Bagger or Republican politician ever admits to an honest mistake, apologizes for his/her lies, and says I was wrong.

Who are becoming in this great nation when we permit the liar to lie, and never own up to the truth?

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