Pandora’s Box has been opening and opening, the doomsday clock has been ticking and ticking, the quest for truth has been replaced with the request for lies, history is being ignored, and the rise of the religious zealot filled with dogma and distrust has risen like cream to the surface in the United States.
With the permission of people like Rupert Murdoch (founder, chairman CEO of News Corp), and Roger Ailes (President of FOX News), no news story aired on the “fair and balanced” network, need carry an ounce of truth to it. With the permission of the National Republican Party, no elected Republican politician need vote for anything Obama places on the docket even if it would benefit most Americans. With the permission of the leadership of both the Church of Latter Day Saints (Mormons by any other name is still Mormon) and the Catholic Church, civil rights can be denied to those populations deemed not created in God’s image. With the permission of the Tea Party death threats to lawmakers via the second amendment can be made and those making the threats can call themselves Patriots. With the permission of the Texas GOP homosexuality can be punishable by prison time or if necessary death. With the permission of the Congress (as long as the lobbyists continue to pay a pretty price for their votes) no regulation, guideline or rule needs to be created for corporations, conglomerates or CEO’s that might hinder the company’s bottom line.
Pandora’s Box is exhaling venomous odors that left unchecked will smother the sane, choke the correct, and annihilate America leaving it with the repulsive rigor mortis and stench of the Dark Ages.
No longer do the teachings of Thomas Jefferson count in the minds of the Evangelicals who repudiate the fundamentals of a division of church and state. This is a Christian and white nation shout the John Birchers, the Aryan Nation, the KKK and the Tea Bagger Brigade. Thomas Jefferson was an atheist and had sex with blacks so his word is to be discounted and destroyed. Helping along with that query, the Texas Board of Education has ordered all books printed for its thousands of students omit the anti religious and anti American words of Mr. Jefferson. No longer shall we learn that the Civil War in the United States was basically about the right to own slaves, to deny the black man/woman his her dignity, said the Governor, Attorney General of Virginia, urged on by the Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy. No longer is it safe to be a citizen of the United States, say the white supremacists, the Neo Nazi’s, the middle aged white men and women of the Arizona legislature without always carrying papers to prove you are one of us. It’s not racial profiling, they smugly suggest, but if you happen to be any shade of brown we will assume you are illegal.
Pandora’s Box is engulfing the airwaves, the printed word the daily discourse of the public. Those who have little knowledge of fact are being fed fiction. Those who are vitalized by self victimization rejoice in the fact that they have found scapegoats and surrogates upon which to place blame. Those who try and find sanity and solace from within their churches, temples or mosques are fed homilies, teachings, prophecies from religious leaders who politicize their Bibles and fill each word with propaganda and poison. The blasphemes bombard any free thought, any new idea the parishioners may hold and instead the religious leaders (always under orders from their God) smother those ideas with tried and true hate, fact less fallacy, and tight controls on thinking correctly.
People like Glenn Beck can call anyone who he deems a threat to his career (and the millions of dollars he earns) a Communist or a Fascist. Rush Limbaugh smokes his cigar and chastises women’s rights, calls the President a reverse racist, harasses homo’s. Sarah Palin, can walk away from her duties as Governor, sing the praises of “Drill Baby Drill”, never inform her daughter of the two issues of abstinence, insist that Health Reform will include death panels, and be considered a saint within the Tea Bag Brigade and Conservative republican parties. Carly Fiorina, Mark Sanford, John Ensign, Rudy Giuliani, Newt Gingrich, can all cheat on their spouses commit adultery, reek havoc within their own families and yet talk loud and clear (out of their other cheek) and declare that same sex marriage is the real culprit in dismantling the sanctity of the Institution of Marriage.
Pandora’s Box is spilling and spewing, polluting and polarizing, denying and dismantling the sense and sensibilities of the Nation. The dumb are getting dumber, the ignorant less intelligent, and those who want absolute power more purposeful. Do we need a Silver Bullet, a Wooden Stake, a Bucket of Water, and Ruby Slippers to stop this wakening giant? How much further does the lid of Pandora’s Box need to pry open before it can never be closed shut?
When is enough, enough?
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