The wonder of it all!
The Republican Governor of Mississippi, Haley Barber, was adamant at first, that the Deepwater Horizon explosion was nothing more than an unnecessary accident in the Gulf. No need to harp on the why’s or wherefore’s of this incident, he insisted, we must continue to drill baby drill, so America can rid itself of the black gold we mine from all those Arabs. (Of course all the oil dredged from the Gulf does NOT go to the American consumer.) His political pockets lined with the green backs from the Oil Cartel lobbyists, Governor Barber, seemed aloof, and unimpassioned nor unimpressed with the magnitude of the disaster in the Gulf. The Governor, reciting the mantra from the playbook of many if not most Republican politician lackeys insisted that the President’s moratorium on off shore drilling was one more telling sign of either Communism or Fascism coming to the front door of every God fearing Christian American in the U.S. (After all our founding fathers established America as a Christian nation.)
All of this biased banter of course was shouted and proclaimed BEFORE the ooze, the slick; the barf brown turds of thick poo began finding its way to the shoreline of all the Mississippi beaches. Governor Barber, feigning amnesia, forgetting his rant and rave about too BIG of a government, forgoing his accusations that Obama is like Stalin or Hitler now insists that the Federal Government (aka the boogey man), immediately come to the aid of his state.
BP has produced commercials for its online website stating that the incident in the Gulf (never an accident, because if they admitted to it being an accident, they would then have to admit, the causes of the accident, and then admit to their inexcusable and miserable arrogance in NEVER developing a back up plan) is now a beautiful chance for renewal. They show oil coated birds being plucked out of the water and hosed down by smiling BP employees, enjoying their baths and showers and then released to the wide expanse of the dark dank waters of the Gulf. The BP dis-infomercial also states that some birds did die, but for those living through the torturous tedious, traumatic attempts of being rid of the oil have a second chance to fly free. And what they do not state is that the birds fly free, right back to the dead sea from which they were originally plucked.
According to the BP official propaganda machine, the spill in the Gulf is a good thing because it brought together the community to help solve a problem. It brought man closer to nature, and it helped with the unemployment in the Gulf.
Republican Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana is demanding the moratorium for off shore drilling is some kind of government maneuver to punish the good citizens of his state. He has staged a few town hall meetings with angry Louisianans standing all forlorn and frazzled shouting that the only reason the moratorium was established was to push the liberal agenda of President Obama to impose a smothering carbon emissions, environmental law that have no rhyme or reason. The good Governor who says state’s rights trump the over bearing and over regulated rules of the Federal Government (he also was publically against his state receiving TARP money, but privately took the checks to pay for infrastructure work claiming the money came from his own budget planning), insists that the INCIDENT in the Gulf was just a remote incident and once BP fixes the problem there will be no worries in the future of any other situation being repeated. BP, he says, is aware of the dilemma and will take all measures to make sure nothing like it happens in the future. (uh-huh!)
The citizens of Louisiana are caught between an oil slicked rock and an oil drenched hard place as the good Governor had never done any planning in creating any other kind of job in his state other than fishing or drilling. So the dire circumstances for most poor Louisianans become bleaker and bleaker, oilier and oilier.
No one, (the Federal Government, state governments, municipalities, the average American citizen), seems to be discussing just how important alternative fuels and energy should become. Few of us seem to want to wean ourselves from oil. Many of us ring our hands; blame the Muslim nations or Venezuela for not releasing more petroleum at cheaper prices. And some of us think that drill baby drill is still the correct way to handle the havoc and hopelessness of oil dependency.
We still permit the Oil Cartel to dictate energy policy, we still allow our elected officials to receive huge deposits of pay for play dollars, and we still keep our heads in the sand about the destruction of the environment.
Mass transit dollars are usually the first to be cut from budgets, arguments about building more and efficient rapid transit keep us standing in quicksand, alternative fuels are touted as too expensive, and people like Rush Limbaugh insist that as Americans we are entitled to drive BIG cars and use as much energy as we so desire.
The wonder of it all… is that we are smart people who seem to act so damn dumb.
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