As I recall, the word nation in this context is as in ALL 50 states that make up this nation called the United States of America. As I recall when the men and women bravely join the armed forces of the USA, they have signed on to defend all of us who call ourselves citizens of this nation. As I recall, those who serve or have served in the military do so to defend every person living in this country no matter which state they call home. As I recall those heros's who have died while defending the USA, died knowing it was dedication, desire, and determination to keep ALL people of ALL 50 states, or whatever the number was during their enlistment, safe, sound and secure.
Somehow, in America 2011, as we celebrate Memorial Day, as we honor the fallen, the brave, the many Americans giving their life, for liberty and the pursuit of happiness, the word ALL, as in ALL 50 states does not resonate as loud as it once did.
It seems, that many who call themselves Republicans/Baggers feel that this country is not an amalgamation of 50 states, but more so 50 states which happen to inhabit a land called America. It seems for the people who vote Republican/Bagger, the number 50 means very little and the only number of importance is one, as in my one state. It seems for those who would rather a majority of politicians be Republican/Bagger, that America is not a nation for ALL, but a nation for a few which each state deciding who exactly is equal and who is separate but equal.
Folks in California don't think that all people are equal and if you prefer the same sex to make love to, you certainly should not be able to marry them. Folks in Arizona, believe that if you look brown skinned you need to be questioned as to your birth rites. People in Indiana believe that women are too foolish to have rights about their reproductive parts of their bodies. People in Texas don't think that homosexuals should adopt kids. People in certain states want to control women's sexual practices, union wages, who should complain about bullying, and the size of education as long as it is public education.
Suddenly this nation has found itself full of people who have little regard for the whole but more concerned with the parts. Suddenly this nation has found itself with people who no longer see us as one nation, under God indivisible of liberty and justice for all, but more in which some people are invisible. Suddenly this nation finds itself breaking up into 50 nations, each limiting the equality, freedom, and fairness for anyone deemed different.
Memorial Day is approaching and we are about to honor those who died in our nations service. Just how many died, who were women, homosexual, of brown skin, union workers, parents of adoptive kids, non-evangelicals, children of gay parents? How many of those who died had no idea that one state would not permit certain unalienable rights, rights in the Constitution, to certain citizens of the nation?
Memorial Day is fast approaching and I wonder if some states, those with Republican/Bagger majorities will limit who can be honored in their state if those they honor are to be found to be people who have no rights in those same states?
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