Why is it that the people who preach the destruction of the world, the end of civilization, the ones who say they and only they understand the complexities of the Bible and it is they and only they who God chooses to speak to happen to be the last people on Earth anyone would expect a higher power to recognize let alone talk to? Why is it they can openly hate Gays, Blacks, Women rights, demonstrate bias and bigotry and in the same breathe speak for God proclaiming he/she has chosen them as his/her voice on Earth? Why is it that those who act as prophets for God even imagine that God would select people who discriminate, discern, divide and employ those who openly hate God's creations to represent him?
Why is it that the Pope and his peons of the Papacy are eager to identify the immoral and blasphemous call out the homosexuals who want to marry or adopt, warn the women who want ownership of their own bodies, single out the sinners who my want to live together before they marry to make sure that when they marry they love one another, but somehow can't pinpoint the Priests who molest kids over and over again? Why is it so easy to lambaste the legions of men and women who express the desire for freedom, fair and just, and just never take any responsibility in owning up to the simple fact that the hierarchy of the Church couldn't care less about curbing the irresponsible, immoral and insidious actions of their employees? Why is that in the eyes of the Vatican, God hates Gays, Women's rights but loves a good molester?
Why is it that those who need health care, fair wage, social services are the first to be duped by politicians paid for by billionaires and become the official army to rid this country of benefits that will only enhance and enrich their own lives? Why is it those who need more argue to receive less because they are told that wanting more is selfish and UnAmerican by a bogus group of self serving, selfish men and women who receive more each time a crowd chants NO! Why is it that lemming like behavior seems to latch on to people who are afraid of the truth and instead capitulate to lies and innuendo? Why is it that those who love to hate, to deny, to divide and conquer somehow identify themselves as God like, God's chosen?
Why is it that Orthodox Rabbi's in New York were ready to support a man who cheated on his wife, was a slum landlord, used intimidation tactics to be Governor only to change their minds when he was found out to own property where a Gay Bar was located? Why is that Franklin Graham son of the Reverend Billy Graham proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ announced publicly that Barack Obama is not a Christian while praising the Christianity of Newt Gingrich, thrice married, an adulterer, and purveyor of lies? Why is it that Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma self proclaimed representative of Family Values and all things God and his side kick ex Senator Rick Sanatorum of Pennsylvania, hopeful Republican/Bagger presidential candidate and prophet of what God really wants and needs, helped aid Senator Jon Ensign of Nevada continue his adulterous infidelity affair with a married women and a mother of someone else's children?
Why is it that those who seem in direct conflict with good, goodness and God somehow grab the headlines, the honors, and the attention and without any hesitation are given permission to speak as if they were anointed by God? Why is it those of us who know love, know equality, know right, know justice allow the hypocrite to be heard above any and all reason or rhyme?
What’s God got to do with this madness anyway?
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