How come the Vatican can act almost instantaneously when it comes to here say and conjecture regarding anything homosexual, but continues to drag its feet when the facts demonstrate a vicious contagious disease of pedophilia from its own employees? Why is it so easy to anoint the Gays as bad people but so damn difficult to stop the hundreds of Priests from ruining the lives of their Parishioners? Is it the nature of the Vatican to ignore its own inability to confront its own ignorance and denial or is it just their nurturing self to permit evil to languish in their Cathedrals?
How come most to many Americans are aghast, agog, awash in disdain when the issue of multiple marriage arises but just seem to look the other way when a man takes on a third wife after cheating on his first and then his second bride? Why is it that we are shocked that a man can marry seven wives at once while some wives love to cheat on their husbands maybe seven times, and think nothing of it? Is it nature that permits adultery, infidelity to happen considering that most of the time no one gets caught or is it nurturing that tugs at our chests and says but this time I promise I won't do it again?
How come when our daughters act like 'Tom Boys', we think its cute encouraging them to play sports, take Math and Science, but when our boys act like sissy's suddenly the masculinity of every male on Earth is called into question. Why is it that girls can take soccer classes, play Little League, even wear their brothers clothes, but when a boy wants a tutu, prefers boas over basketball shorts or loves to lip sync he is treated as a leper, a loser and in need of Jesus Christ's intervention? Is it nature playing her dirty tricks on the gender identification of our little ones or is it that we have over nurtured our kids actually permitting them to be who they want to be?
How come when an athlete comes out of the closet, after he/she has retired from sports is called a hero, brave, a breath of fresh air by the LGBT community, but never asked why if coming out was so life giving, they didn't give themselves life while they were on the team? Why is it we celebrate a victory of coming out after the fact, and don't insist as the LGBT community that the real success is being proud of yourself while you are doing the thing that makes you most proud of yourself? Is it nature that stops us from taking too much of a chance or is it nurturing that permits us to say I am out and proud and kind of, sort of wish I could had done sooner?
How come God told his soldiers his horde of anti abortion terrorists he has given them the Holy okee-doe-kee to kill God's children, but insists if anyone else goes about the business of playing God they must be killed? Why is it that scripture and passage can be found and recited by the most unHoly of men and women who find it easy to murder anyone with whom they disagree on the definition of life, only to defile the same scripture and passage with their heinous acts of violence? Is it nature that says since we are only human we can kill or is it nurturing of evil psyches, hypocritical hysterics, and poisonous minds who love to play God?
So many times I ask how, why and wonder if nature is playing a trick or as humans we are so weak as to allow nurturing to take hold of our actions? So many happenstances, mishaps, half hearted actions find their way into our world. So often I ask why something so insane, inane, irresponsible can take precedent and prevail? So many questions...
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