When Dictators or a Dictatorial Regime take control of lands they have conquered, a few things happen. They begin a pogrom against the arts, begin to make elections difficult, identify specific groups, using them as scapegoats and as reasons for anything bad happening, and try and eliminate the middle class.
When Dictators or a Dictatorial Regime come into power, there is always a doctrine written and expressly followed by the minions who are in government positions. There is always a group of privileged gentry, a secretive selection of wealthy folk, who call the shots but prefer anonymity when doing so. Communication outlets are manipulated, and suddenly anyone questioning the facts or figures is anti government and anti patriotic. Truth is no longer important and fiction fits fine when facts get in the way.
When Dictators or a Dictatorial Regime become the majority ruling party in most governments, they achieve that power by campaigning on fears, promising the impossible, and quite never identify how they would solve the problem, but fill in the missing gaps by stating how everything gone wrong is because those currently in power are prejudiced against the common man. They ignore integrity, double speak, promote prosperity while edging on anarchy and demonize anyone demanding rational, reason or reality.
We believe, in this great nation of ours that a dictator, or a dictatorial regime will never take hold, and that we as Americans are too smart, too wise, too educated to even permit toehold let alone a foothold on our soil.
In the 2010 elections we were told that jobs and the deficit was the key to bringing back the pride in America, by the Republican/Baggers. In the 2010 elections we were promised that job one was to stop unemployment and to fairly reign in the deficit by the Republican/Baggers. In the 2010 elections we were reminded that although the Democrats were only in power for two years, it was this new breed of Republican/Bagger that could wipe away the recession, hire more workers, and make America great once more. Forget the 8 years of the Bush/Cheney Administration and the majority of Republicans in power we were told by the Republican/Baggers, it was the past two years of Democratic control that suddenly caused all this pain.
And amazingly we were sold the Brooklyn Bridge once again; we discovered P.T. Barnum’s theory of a sucker being born every minute to be true, and we voted against our instincts, voting mainly from frustration and fear.
And now we have states who want to defund sources for women’s reproductive rights, who want to deny equality to same sex couples, who believe that fair wages are what the wealthy deem as reasonable, who believe the arts only are expressive of Progressives and Liberals, who feel that women can’t think for themselves.
We have politicians who quote select portions from the Constitution, leaving out any fact that proves their points invalid or demonstrates their own ignorance. We have politicians who want to limit the access minorities, students have to the ballot box because they may vote Democrat. We have politicians who want to starve the poor of entitlements, have the middle class struggle even harder and leave the wealthy wallowing in their millions. We have politicians who find that corporations can spoil the environment, ignore the consumer, rack in profit paying little taxes and act as if their billions of dollars are equal to those barely making minimum wage. And we have politicians who think seniors should work longer, those making minimum wage are selfish, and fair employment laws for kids are unfair to businesses.
When Dictators or a Dictatorial Regime take control of lands they leave little room for dissent, disrupt the checks and balances of society, and disregard anyone who they deem different then they. When Dictators or a Dictatorial regime take control most people never notice the chaos or havoc till it is too late. Most people say America will never see a Dictator or have a Dictatorial Regime.
I say we are in the throws of a dictatorial dilemma. I say we have traveled way too far to the right of the political chart. I say we have a bunch of people masked as Republican/Baggers who want to establish a Dictator or a Dictatorial Regime right under our noses. I am just saying that we have time to stop all of this, so why aren't we?
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