I get outraged to think that often multiple married men and women, adulterers, those who practice infidelity, seem to think that their insincerity, their lack of commitment, their selfish behavior does not discount the structure of the institution of marriage and only me being a Gay person has the strength to devalue, devastate and destroy heterosexual marriages. I am angered when a heterosexual mom or dad, abuse their kids, ignore their kids, refuse to pay child support or divorce themselves from their kids, only to be preached at that Gays are poor role models let alone fit to be parents or to adopt.
I am disappointed that religious leaders, without any grace for God, decide to recite selected passages from their Bible siting Gays as the malaise of the modern world and ignore the real issues of existence, like hunger, poverty, quality of life, equality and fairness. And I am so tired of politicians ignoring the Constitution and replacing it with a bigots version of the Bible.
I can't believe that we are still debating DOMA, we are still arguing if Gays should be parents, if bullying of Gay kids is a right or a wrong. I can't believe that we are still permitting the ignorant,uneducated, biased and bigoted to control the debate and even holding a debate on the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of Americans who happen to be Gay.
We have elected some dumb people to office in this nation. They promised to cut back government involvement in our lives and to create jobs. So far all they have been able to do is create a more intrusive government, create a we vs they, and have decided that creating hate is more important then creating jobs. And for all those who don't happen to be Gay and think this battle is not theirs better pay better attention because women, elderly, disabled, poor and most non Evangelical Christians are on the "to hate" list.
Every now and then I can't take reading one more story about homophobia without ever finding any reason or rational for the hate. Every now and then when I think it might get better, we take five steps back and suddenly we as Americans are so unrecognizable and scary. Every now and then I get even sicker to my stomach thinking that this even has to be discussed. When is enough finally enough?
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