The beat goes on ... the beat goes on,
Drums keep poundin' a rhythm to the brain,
La - di - da - di - dee ..... la - di - da - di - dah ... (“And the Beat Goes On”, by Sonny and Cher)
"So now we are taking sides regarding the demographics of the Occupy Wall Street protestors. We are being told by one side of the aisle OWS protestors are mobs, creating chaos and full of socialists and fascists. Those on the other side of the aisle who have defined and identified a back bone or courage are encouraging the OWS crowd to continue the cause of dissatisfaction. And oh yeah while the debate on the red, white and blueness of the OWS protests go on we still have corporations not paying their fair share of taxes, the wealthiest 1%percent still wealthy and very few job creations.
1) Gyro-spin was once the rage, uh - huh,
History has turned a page, uh - huh,
The mini skirt's the current thing, uh - huh,
Teey-bopper is our new born king, uh - huh.
So, the lions are turning on the Christians and once again it seems we can never have enough of the good ole’ religion making a comeback in America. Now we have Baptists screaming about the cultism of Mormons. We have the debate from those who say they love Jesus more then anyone else saying who is a Christian and who is not. And the same politicians who themselves have defined Gays, Muslims, Unionists, as non Americans are getting all boo hooed because they feel the discrimination towards them all based on someone’s interpretations of the Bible. You know the Bible that replaces the Constitution for the running of this nation.
2) The grocery store, the super-mart, uh - huh,
Little girls still break their hearts, uh - huh,
And men still keep on marchin' off to war,
Electrically they keep a baseball score.
It seems the deficit super committee created to wipe away our worries regarding all things deficit is having a little bit of a problem handling the people’s business. Seems we stopped the brink of defaulting on our debt just to watch the tsunami come to shore again. Consensus is not a four letter word but it becomes quite an ugly sounding word when it has to be used to ignore party propaganda and used instead to solve a problem. If this super duper deluxe committee of committed partisan players don’t stop playing politics, along with more people marchin’ in soup lines there will be less troops marchin’ all over the world. No Medicare, Medicaid, social security and no mo guns and tanks. The poor have learned how to do with out wonder how the military/corporate world will fare?
3) Grandmas sit in chairs and reminisce,
Boys keep chasing girls to get a kiss,
The cars keep'a goin' faster all the time,
Bum still cries, "Hey buddy, have you got a dime
Grandmas, college students, teachers, unemployed Americans, auto workers, civil servants, first responders, you, me and anyone in the 99% of this nation who rely on better wages, better health care, better working conditions, enough money to pay for rent, and food and health care, you are going to have to wait for this beat to go on and wait until election day in November 2012. Seems talk will fall like the autumn leaves, promises will flow like the wild Mississippi during the rainy season, hope will remain evasive as finding life on other planets, hate will spew like the fires of Mt Vesuvius, truth will be beat around 1000 bushes, disingenuousness will run rampant like cockroaches in New York City walk up, and delay will rule the day until this side or that side wins. Only then will our politicians be brave enough to offer a plan, and maybe even honest enough to offer a plan that works for most Americans and not one that benefits their careers.
The beat goes on ... the beat goes on,
Drums keep poundin' a rhythm to the brain,
La - di - da - di - dee ..... la - di - da - di - dah ... (“And the Beat Goes On” by Sonny and Cher)
Sadly this beat will continue to beat and benefit no one at all. Sadly this beat will resonate louder than any sound needed to fix, change, correct or address the root problems. Sadly this beat will play over and over again ignoring anything else that might rise to the fore to make life better for a majority of people in desperate need of help. Sadly this beat that goes on and on has been the same beat from the past filled with disdain, depression and distrust. Sadly we are becoming too compliant with this beat and dancing to music we hate.
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