Doctor, my eyes have seen the years
And the slow parade of fears without crying
Now I want to understand
I have done all that I could
To see the evil and the good without hiding
You must help me if you can? (“Doctor My Eyes”, Jackson Browne)
About 800 medical personnel volunteered for several days at the L.A. Sports Arena. They helped about 5,000 patients — just a small fraction of the more than 2 million uninsured people who live in Los Angeles County. (
What is so wrong with all Americans receiving affordable health care? How does providing care for the physical and mental well being of all Americans translate into Republican, Democrat, Socialism, and Capitalism, right or wrong? When did keeping us all alive, well, providing preventive care become so divisive and so anti-American? When did profits over people especially in the arena of health care become more pervasive then the ability of all Americans to live a life without health issues so in turn they could make this nation more profitable?
Why are some candidates running for the office of president so hell bent on eliminating any inroads for universal health care but seem so much more concerned with the profits and bottom lines of the health cartels? Why is it so easy, seemingly without much consciousness, to state that universal health care is not the American way, but be so effortlessly easy to say business health comes first?
Why is it many of those who espouse “it’s for the kids”, “family values” calling themselves “Conservative Christians”, seem to ignore sick kids, parents burdened with either paying for food or paying for insurance, families tortured with the aspect of going through life with ailments and illness that with a little bit of financial assistance could be eliminated? When did this nation decide if you can’t afford health care maybe you really never deserved it? When did this nation decide that all of us were not equated equal when it comes to getting, staying or being healthy? When did this nation decide that health care or lack of health care is even a topic to be discussed for the incoming band of politicians rather than assuming anyone running for a public job naturally wants all of his or her constituents to receive the same kind of health coverage they either get being a public servant or can afford because they are also millionaires?
I understand in the life of a democracy we are entitled to a variety of opinions. I understand debate is healthy and can provide some insight to either side of the issue if you are willing to listen. I understand all of that, but I refuse to understand or comprehend or acknowledge how anyone is against all of us deserving the right to a system of health care that is affordable, reasonable and fair? To me it is not a matter of politics or party alignment but a matter of conscience, you either love thy neighbor or you don’t! That seems to be the only bottom line we can accept.
Doctor, my eyes, tell me what is wrong
Was I unwise to leave them open for so long
'Cause I have wandered through this world
And as each moment has unfurled
I've been waiting to awaken from these dreams
People go just where they will
I never noticed them until I got this feeling
That it's later than it seems (“Doctor My Eyes”, Jackson Browne)
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