When did this great nation of ours turn into a place permitting potential presidential candidates to stand at a podium of power and demand that poor people are poor because they choose to be poor? Demean unemployed people as lazy seeking meager stipends from the state rather than a wholesome paycheck? Deploying vile and venomous rhetoric defining anyone who wants a fair share of salary, employment, place in this society as not worthy of being an American. And when did this great nation turn into a place where citizens sitting in the audience not only cheered this bile and belittling hate, but applauding it and wanting more?
When did this great nation of ours turn into a place where those who insist they are closer to God, are his chosen spokespeople, his shining light, calling themselves Conservative Christians, Born Again's, Evangelicals decide that any plan to include ALL Americans in an affordable health care plan, universal health care, equal access to all for health care, is anti Christ like, not true democracy, the work of a socialist devil? And when did those who say they are God's flock decide that they, not God should decide who remains healthy and who should die on the vine?
When did this great nation of ours turn into a place willing to elect candidates for the office of president who want abort the The Sarbanes–Oxley Act of 2002 also known as the 'Public Company Accounting Reform and Investor Protection Act' which set new or enhanced standards for all U.S.public company boards, management and public accounting firms. Or rid the legality of the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act which implements financial regulatory reform because it was not beneficial for the lobbyists and corporations who buy and sell the political futures of these politicians? And when did the regulation of corporations become so UnAmerican even after history has proven left unregulated Corporations and Wall Street will run this nation into economic ruin.
When did this nation of ours turn into a place willing to scapegoat its teachers, police, construction workers blaming them for being greedy because they belong to unions, want fair pay for fair work, expect retirement dollars permitting to live out their lives with a decent standard of living? When did this nation turn into a place callous to the concerns of job security, safe work environments, and instead heed the call of CEO's whose only concern is adding millions to their salaries and benefits?
When did this nation of ours turn into a place more concerned with divide then consensus? Ready to place blame then find solutions? Eager to scapegoat then embrace? More able to alienate then include? And when did this nation accept lies, fabrication, exaggeration as truth as honest, as correct?
When did this great nation of ours begin to define Capitalism as greed, elitism, attainable for those with money and power? When did matters of community become Socialism? When did the rights of the minority equate to class warfare? When did so few wield so much power at the expense of everyone else?
When did we as Americans turn our back on the history that helped us become a great nation? When did we decide that certain deserve to thrive and all the others are guilty of not thriving? When did we decide it was better to blame then solve, better to belittle then believe, better to back away from issues and deny problems exist? When did our political system become so broke that only those wealthy enough to buy a politician decide the laws and governance of this nation in which we live?
And when will become too late too little to turn all of this evil, anger, vengeance around? When?
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