Altruism: The belief in or practice of disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others.
Behavior of an animal that benefits another at its own expense.
All True Is It: The belief that all the truth needs not be told. Behavior of a human to pretend that saying its the truth, makes it the truth.
In politics especially in the past few years, we have heard politicians preach from a very unstable soap box how what they do is purely done for the love of America, and in turn the respect for the citizens of the United States. We have heard pontification after pontification that hard decisions are being made. And then we hear that all of these choices in policy and law are done for all people of this country whether all people in this country realize the hard choices made for their well being.
In politics we are witnessing the coming to the Lord and purity tests to prove just how much of the coming to the Lord you are doing and how much the Lord wants you to be elected as president. There is no longer the quiet side of religion, the intimacy between you and your God, instead the louder you scream the Lords name the more blessed you must be. We are told that to surely love America we must first surely love the Lord.
In politics it seems that the lowest common denominator is the denominator calling the shots. Politicians cater to the bias, bigotry, anger and hatred of the American who loves to scapegoat, ridicule, divide and refuse to recognize the beauty of difference and lust after the ugly of indifference. Politicians tell us we are just like you and change their colors like a chameleon depending on just like who they are gyrating and gestating to.
In politics we have candidates who tell us that wealth is a good thing, while the majority of us are not wealthy. They tell us that capitalism is a good thing and if you are not as rich as some you are either lazy or jealous. Some tell us that marriage is only for opposite sex couples while they are on their third marriage. They seem to think that dictating to others on the ethics of marriage while splurging on the immoral aspects are reasonable. Some tell us that women are not capable of choices regarding their own bodies, while the women in their own life have decided to override the ignorance and take on their reproductive rights.
We have witnessed a snake oil salesmen version of altruistic behavior. The snake oil salesman comes into town and is savvy enough to observe the peculiar behavior of the citizenry. He notices they love to blame, never own, they love to whine about the outside variables making their life miserable. and always point to someone else as the cause of the problem. The snake oil salesmen calls the disgruntled citizens to the town square and amazes them that he somehow spewing the same hate, anger and annoyance sounds just like them. He must be one of them, they think and all he says he says for no other reason except of pure altruism. He must believe what he says and it must be true.
Instead, as is the case of ALL Snake Oil Salesmen what he is saying is not altruistic comments rather All True Is It. The Snake Oil Salesman is sinister in his intent, smart in his approach, and a shyster in telling the truth. He loves to keep the weak minded feeble, he thrives on keeping the ignorant uneducated on anything called the truth, he feeds on the frenzy of fear. He speaks a version of the truth, but avoiding the real truth, he speaks the truth that temps the haters to keep on hating, and the dumb even dumber. And when the sheriff comes to town or some poor stiff rants that the Snake Oil was no more then poison, the Snake Oil Salesmen only then packs his flimsy bag of tricks and flees to infect another town.
Altruism is wonderful but so hard to call your motive.All True Is It is so much much easier to acquire and it asks no more then lying or denying.
1 comment :
Well then, I hope the people are proficient in the ability to identify the Snake Oil Salesmen.... that would help.
"I look upon an increase in the power of the State with greatest fear, because although while apparently doing good by minimizing exploitation, it does the greatest harm to mankind by destroying individuality which lies at the root of all progress. The State represents violence in a concentrated and organized form. The individual has a soul, but as the State is a soulless machine, it can never be weaned from violence to which it owes its very existence. What I disapprove of is an organization based on force which a State is. Voluntary organization there must be."
-- Mahatma Mohandas K. Gandhi, The Modern Review, 1935, P.412
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