Friday, October 31, 2014

get a life

Tim Cook CEO of Apple announced that among the many attributes in his life one of them is that he is Gay. So Senator Ted Cruz, Texas T-Bagger from Texas stated that Tim Cook CEO of Apple chose to be Gay. Ted Cruz is a homophobe who bases his thesis of choosing  to be Gay from the wisdom of his father Raphael Cruz who proudly admits that Jesus Christ speaks to him and is sure that the Jesus who speaks to the senior Cruz is a God of hate bigotry, homophobia and of course disdain. Senator Ted Cruz is the apple who has not fallen too far from a very sick and insidious tree. 

I am so tired of self loathing men and women who fear their own sexuality, who love to luxuriate in loathing, who need enemies to feel good about themselves, who use God any God as a scapegoat for their own misgivings. I am so tired of insecure men and women who think by creating the ‘other’ they somehow think no one will notice the failures and flaws of their own existence. I am so tired of politicians who love to find the lowest common denominator and spread, share in the virus of hate, ignorance slander and harassment. I am so tired of morons who pontificate about issues they know nothing about. I am tired of Ted Cruz and all of the T-Baggers who can not function unless they rely on bigotry, bias and bogus!

Ted Cruz, no one chooses to be Gay as if they were selecting where to vacation, buy a home or shop for a suit, we are born that way. What we do choose is to finally come out of the closet. Ted Cruz no one needs your approval to be Gay because we were born that way. Ted Cruz your father chose to pretend that God has spoken to him (kind of delusional that Jesus would speak to such an ignorant and hateful person). Ted Cruz you have chosen to place politics above morals and values. Ted Cruz you have chosen to  pretend that you understand Christianity, democracy, and any semblance of truth. Ted Cruz you chose to become a homophobe!

I am tired of having to defend myself to the idiots who fear the world around them. I am tired of fools running roughshod. I am tired of having to argue the obvious. I am Gay, it is natural. I am tired of people like Ted Cruz who love urging the hypocrite, the dumb, the sanctimonious to hate because they think God and George Washington told them so. Ted Cruz, Tim Cook and I and millions of other Gay and Lesbians in this world are Gay just because…get a life dude, get a life!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

understand this

So let me understand this, the T-Publicans are assumed by the minions of pollsters and paid to act as political prophets as to maintain their control of the House of Representatives and even take the majority control of the Senate. So let me understand this, men and women who still deny that marriage equality is fair, who believe that females should stay at home and have the babies their husbands tell them to have, who consider less time to vote, voter ID Laws to be the democratic experience, who want to continue paying for wars but not for education, who are not scientists when it comes to the environment but are doctors when it comes to women’s bodies and of course Ebola; this same group of people who love to act as puppets for the billionaires who buy their votes actually have a chance to govern this nation as a majority for the next two years? So let me understand this, for those millions of Americans who simply hate that a black man is the president of the US will end up spiting themselves and vote in as the majority  the T-Publicans? So let me understand this, those millions of Americans who believe the lies of FOX NEWS, herald Sarah Palin as intelligent, believe that Jesus really speaks to Mike Huckabee, Pat Robertson, and Raphael Cruz (Ted Cruz’s delusional father) will decide the fate of this nations policies for the next two years?

Let me get this straight, Two T-Publicans running for Senate from Colorado and Iowa who have initiated a personhood amendment claiming that the instant the egg meets sperm full citizenship shall be attained in which that fetus can then attain legal counsel have a chance to sit in the Senate! One T-Publican running for Senate from Iowa who believes in nullification and her Second Amendment rights to shoot on sight any Federal agent who wants to enroll people in Obamacare has a chance to sit in the Senate! Two T-Publicans who firmly believe that Ebola is caused by Mexicans crossing the boarder making their way to Alaska and New Hampshire have a chance to sit in the Senate! Two T-Publican from Georgia and North Carolina who believe the true American way is to outsource jobs overseas, get a tax write off in doing so has a chance to sit in the Senate! One T-Publican from Kentucky who insists that women’s salaries never ever have to be equal to men’s paychecks has a chance to sit in the Senate! Let me get this straight those T-Publicans all who despise women, immigrants, the rights of the average American actually have a chance to become Senators?

So, let me understand just how democracy works in this nation of ours. As long as you use Jesus’s name in how you legislate…as long as you accept dark dirty money for your campaigns…as long as you insist that the poor are lazy…as long as you find bigotry, racism, homophobia, xenophobia as content for your stump speeches…as long as you appeal to the fears and loathing of the lowest common denominator of the population you have a chance to excel in the politics of the United States! What I don’t understand is how, when and why this has happened? Politics 2014 style are scarier then any Halloween ever!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

stupid is scary

Just in time for Halloween a new collection of monsters have surfaced. Many of these creatures have been around for a long, long time (but most recently with Ebola finding its way to the United States), the ugliness, meanness, evilness has found firmer footing and/or more horror. These denizens of doom who need no make up, masks or morose adaptations simply use their misguided religious zealotry, made up Americana, and very dysfunctional relationship with Jesus as the tools of their terror trade. Like any good monster they rely on fear, fable, fiction and of course hate and blame. The other big difference with these monsters then those found in celluloid or fiction novels is that instead of the simpleminded townsfolk, the ignorant urbanite, the feeble minded rural gentry running from the monsters, it seems that most of these mindless minions embrace the creature turning into the same kind of monster themselves.  It somehow seems to me it is easier to catch STUPID then it is to catch Ebola!

Phyllis Schlafly, as ancient as many a vampire used to spend her time trolling the Earth sucking blood from the LGBT community and feminists. She would pounce upon those who demonstrated any bit of need for freedom or equality and try to corner them into submission by calling them deviants, whores or un Christian. It is usually self absorbed monsters like Ms Schlafly who pretend they know God while intentionally trying to usurp God’s being and try in desperation to become God them self. The newest iteration of this Vampire Schlafly is now racism. Madam Vampire Phyllis has decided that because the Kenyan Obama (in power for the moment of this is really a while nation, United States), is certain that  he (King Obama) wants to make America like Africa; which is why he is permitting Ebola to thrive and arrive in this white’s only nation. Good ole’ Phyllis knows that this self imposed dictator (democracy failed when he was elected), yearns for his ancestral village and wants to impose the same dire consequences on ‘Merica as supposedly the white slave owners did to the supposed slaves of Africa. Ebola is a black person’s disease according to Schlafly. It must stay in Africa and no former son of that continent is going to bring that disease to a white enclave like ‘Merica. 

Keith Ablow a blow hard racist appearing on anything and everything FOX, has decided that the reason President Obama is useless in the fight against Ebola said the following “ Obama is not protecting us from Ebola because his infinities are with Africa, and not us…He’s their leader”. This man actually became a psychiatrist but is no more then a modern day Dr Demento. This Dr Demento has of course called poor people lazy, accused rape victims of just being too sleazy and asking for it and now has found a way to call Barack Obama president of Africa. Everyone knows on FOX Africans are evil, uncouth, unChristian heathens. Dr. Demento loves to fiddle with fiction, fake the facts and then try his best to make up some advice as if it is actually scholarly instead of bogus bull shit. The Kenyan is a black man and all black people have an undying affinity with Africa and of course it all is just a juicy ploy to get back at the innocent white slave owners of the South who were true Americans.

It is Halloween time but sadly these two monsters will not fade into the costume closet, nope they are so scary and frightening that the lonely, self loathing, loony, racist, misogynist, homophobe, Christian Crusaders will cajole, inspire and follow them letting these monsters take hold of the townsfolk’s fears. Ebola is awful, but the lies about it are even more disgusting and gory. Permitting the monsters like Schlafly and Ablow to delight in the false debate is spookier and more deadly then the most heinous of creatures. Stupid is very scary!

Friday, October 17, 2014

scary clowns

Congressman Billy Long (R) from Missouri brought a picture he collected from Google to the Congressional hearing regarding the Ebola Crisis in ‘Merica on Thursday October 16. The printed picture showed some terrible conditions of an emergency room in Africa. Rep Long also had a copy of the Bloomberg News to share with the doctors, scientists of CDC, NIH and Homeland Security. In that article the reporter warned America that Ebola would come to ‘Merica even before the first patient died of the disease in ‘Merica. (How did he know to predict that) Rep Billy Long was stressed he wanted answers and if the doctors, scientists, homeland security people could not supply him with what he needed to hear then good ole Billy would not know what to tell his constituents who are terrified of this African born disease, except to have everyone go to Google and figure it out themselves.   Rep Billy Long was elected to Congress in 2011 after a very successful stunt in the World Poker Tour and as an auctioneer. Congressman Billy Long participated in a three hour version of a clown car, where one after the other all hell bent on politics and good media bytes, opened the clown car door and performed stunts not even worthy of a one ringed circus show.

Many other Congressman who were praised by the Chairman, Tim Murphy (R) PA for actually coming back into town during their recess, (Imagine being praised for doing the people’s work- you know the job you were hired to do) joined the clown car charade by asking their ‘gottcha’ questions permitting the respondents about three seconds to answer and then supplying their own answers the ones submitted by the Republican National Committee). (After all you know it is almost mid-term elections and as always being forceful and pretending to offer an answer is a great re-election ploy of the T-Publicans.) This same group of less government, government is good politicians who have sabotaged the CDC and NIH budgets were now clamoring ‘why has more not been done. The T-Publicans are always at the forefront to cut budgets and then feigning amnesia as to why the lack of funds in the first place led to an emergency. Chairman Murphy made strong recommendations that we find the funds to aid the CDC and HIH immediately. (If you look closely, however at the T-Publicans agenda you will see that until this moment they have been on record to not even place in motion a vote to increase or even at least maintain the last budget for health and safety.

As is the case of mongers of hate, exclusion found its way to the top surrounded with a creamy layer of fear, of course minus the facts. The immediate answer by the World Poker, Long player and other Republican luminaries was to immediately limit all flights from West Africa, (and if that didn’t do the trick probably the rest of the Obama homeland.) Not listening to the doctors or scientists, or homeland security panel who pleaded that isolation would only make us more vulnerable as to discovering and handling who is arriving in ‘Merica with a potential lethal disease, the T-Publican majority (thank God for gerrymandering, Jim Crow laws and voter suppression) band of uneducated fools pressed forward with very backward notions. And of course the fearful band of politicians never bothered to mention that only one person from Africa had Ebola with the rest of the patents already Americans. Ebola is very scary, but what is even more frightening are the clowns who have no idea how to listen, how to cooperate, how to respond and how to guide the country. Trying to place blame, pouting the fingers to find a scapegoat, avoiding the fact but preferring the fancy, playing politics has too often and now too long been the the real enemy of this nation. The clowns in the Ebola Clown Car fiasco just made life in this nation more dreadful and dire. Nothing funny about a scary clown!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

In spite

So we are told that the T-Publicans have a chance to become the majority in the Senate and of course maintain if not increase their majority in the House. We hear those headline bits of news and then we hear…

…That most T-Publicans have no problem with Dark Money. Why does it have to be dark if the money is so all American apple pie perfect? Why not shed some light on the puppeteers who are and will be pulling the strings of the Congressional puppets. If you are receiving money from Citizen people and billionaires why not be loud and proud and let all of your constituents know who will be writing the laws of their land? Why is Dark Money such a secret, almost sounds sinful to consider it hush money. If you enjoy receiving pay for play money why not be honest and admit it?

…That a majority of T-Publicans who have never voted for equal pay for equal work for women, are now insisting they do like females. That any semblance of a vote in the past against the Lily Ledbetter Bill was a form of Liberal imagination. That closing abortion clinics, defying Roe Vs Wade, that binders of women is misleading and utterly a Progressive attempt to tell a truth that does not need telling. If T-Publicans like women so much how come they are on the record for NOT voting for any Bill to increase a woman's paycheck, treat women’s health condition as importantly as male health issues, and don’t think rape is just something a really horny woman wants?

…That a majority of T-Publicans insist they are not scientists when it comes to climate change or even the discussion that climate change might exist. How come the scientists these T-Publicans do listen to are always on the payroll of the Oil Cartels, Koch Brothers? Why is it that once the campaign coffers are filled from Coal companies suddenly politicians deny science as viable. One has to wonder if these T-Publicans all hell bent on family values and this being Jesus’s country don’t worry that their next generations might not have healthy safe environment in which to live?

…That a majority of T-Publicans don’t like democracy if the democratic process does not give them a majority of votes. That most T-Publicans want to throw off millions of Americans from receiving fair, equal health coverage by stopping the ACA? That this nation is not a land of immigrants? That Gays are anything but equal to straights. That war is better then peace?

So we are preached to that the T-Publicans are the answer to our prayers! How stupid will America become if the T-Publicans are elected and people like Ingraham, Limbaugh, Palin and Cruz become the policy makers? But moist importantly why would so many people punish them themselves when all they will end up with is spite?

Monday, October 13, 2014

laura, laura, laura

We live in a world where facts no longer matter and are commonly replaced with self imagined fiction. Truth is discounted and replaced with fabrication and dissemination based on bias and bigotry. Proof is never in the pudding for America 2014, nope we now are presented with a murky gel like substance which is spewed in a hate filled capsule then bully pulpit tangled up in Bible folklore, patriotic spasms and coated in white Christian privilege. Laura Ingraham is the most recent of right wing hate monger harlots to impose a double standard/hypocritical diatribe of misinformation. I have often stated that it is not the monster to be afraid of, but the minions who refuse to see just how evil that monster has become.

According to Laura Ingraham, being against the right of same-sex couples to marry doesn't make someone anti-gay. And being against the right of same-sex couples to marry doesn't mean someone is judging other people.
Having totally not squared that circle, Ingraham then suggests she might open to same-sex marriage as long as it can be proven that "it's ultimately about what's best for the children" and has a long history of working.
"What do we know definitively works, and worked, and what is still an unknown, what did [our country] historically believe?” (media matters)

Laura likes to shout out the national anthem, carry a handgun next to her bosom as she recites the Pledge of Allegiance, and always has a white robe in the closet as she harangues the President of the Untied States.  Her audience base is a group of people who would rather be preached at then discover truth on their own. She is a savvy entertainer who loves the holiday of Halloween because she is never with out a horrifying tale or two riddled with fear, loathing, horror and accusations. Like most self loathing racists, misogynists, and homophobes, Ms Ingraham is very cautious in directly denying just how hateful she is but prefers to blame those around her for feeling that way. Your behavior she insists is what causes me consternation! Most vehemently anti same-sex marriage goons never want to look at the dysfunctional opposite-sex family when it comes to absent parents, troubled children, adulterous behavior or lack of guidance, not all; for them, all of those occurrences are natural, you know God’s will because God prefers a Mama and Papa. 

Ms Ingraham is just one more example of a fool given the space to corrupt any sensible conversation on equal  and civil rights. Ms Ingraham is smart enough to deny others any justice by insisting that THOSE people are not like us and certainly do not deserve what WE are granted by God. Ms Ingraham stop your stupid already, just find one grain of honesty and admit you are judging same-sex couples because you are a homophobe! No one has to prove anything to you, NO one! 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

scary movie

You know when you watch a really scary movie, the kind of movie when the music becomes bleak with lots of cellos and ominous percussion in the background playing as the naive (perhaps really stupid, inept, dumb usually pretty white folk) start to either go into the basement that suddenly is without electricity or climb the measly stairs that pull down leading to the attic.  You know when the one light bulb that does work flashes from on to off swaying in a sudden wind, highlighting shadows that look like demons or some dead person who died eons ago, or find the profile of a beast with four eyes ten hands and blood dripping from their mouth lurking in the corner(waiting for the chick with big boobs, the chiseled hunky dude or the kid who is so good at playing the good kid but is honestly as bad ass evil as it gets). You know when you are watching that movie, so predictable as to what happens next as the ax murderer is hiding in the shower stall or the vampire is just behind the refrigerator door, or the lady with half a head is in the closet at the ready to behead, bite or devour (the stupid, supposedly innocent virgin, God fearing, wholesome douchebag.) You know that no matter how inane, insane, ridiculous and juvenile the plot seems it still gets your attention. Well if anyone has been watching FOX (we make up the news television) , you will get the same feeling as you watch the FOX Reality Stars pretending to report the news actors; present fiction regarding the Ebola outbreak in America. You will get to witness just how bigots, xenophobes, Christian jihadists and Koch Brother’s propagandists try their damnedest to scare the shit out of you!

The FOX Noise blond haired ladies and men, the FOX news white entertainers who always mange to have a person of color as their muse next to them, the FOX News treasonists at the ready with an unabridged paper back version of the Constitution next to selected portions of the Bible with quotes from Republican activists judges like Scalia, Thomas, or Alito, or swear they are infectious disease health professionals, are at the ready to pontificate and rape the minds of the insecure,self loathing, fiction outweighs facts viewers of the FOX News nation and either blame the Kenyan in the White House, Gay Marriage proponents, Mexicans or those untamed female hussies of ‘Merica (who want abortions just because they think they deserve it) for the End Times curse of EBOLA. The FOX Noise let’s shout fire in the theater when all we did was fart, actors have been demanding isolation, ignorance and of course antiChristian hate for the blacks in West Africa who invented EBOLA , the Progressives of ‘Merica who embrace the hedonism life style of anyone who is not a believer in their version of the Lord and Savior,  and the direct assault by Obama for encouraging EBOLA to come to the red WHITE and blue shores of this land is my land BUT not yours.

You know those apocalypse themed movies when the population is threatened by a monster and supposed to NOT run amuck but usually end up shooting one another on the freeways as they try to escape a 5000 foot wave, an alien spacecraft, or a Zombie plague; but do because of sheer fool hearty belief in a few crackpot villains…you know those movies the ones you watch and say this is my guilty pleasure and finally add this is such bull shit. Well, if we permit FOX Noise to continue its Halloween scare tactics without calling them out for the frauds they are… we will all be starring in a horror flick scarier then our own imaginations and the outcome will be frightening! BOO!!!!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Twilight zonish

If you take two people and ask them to describe their favorite episode of the Twilight Zone, most likely you will get at least four answers. It was an amazing show and the variety of macabre, bizarre, twisted endings and unseen plot lines enticed the imaginations of most. Just take the time and recall how scared, how horrified, how fooled you were when thinking about your favorite Twilight Zone episode!

I have been thinking about the Twilight Zone and after much consternation, and consideration do have a very favorite episode that not only mystifies me with its lack of reasoning, its most inhuman treatment of its characters, and its portrayal of monsters often times to hideous and heinous to even contemplate. It is the episode where there are a group of people who believe that their words and deeds and actions even when recorded on audio or video, accounted for in print NEVER, EVER occurred. Just writing about it sends shivers up my spine, how insidious the main characters in demanding they never said that women are chattel, Muslims infidels, homosexuals the curse of the devil and poor people lazy and drug users. I shudder at how blatantly bold these monsters are as I listen to their voices chanting mantras of hate, racism misogyny, and when confronted look people in the eye and insist they have been taken out of context. I scream in terror as slurs about anyone who is not them are bandied about. How flippant they get interjecting innuendo regarding THOSE of a different religion, color or gender. I shiver with fear as accusations based on pure fiction and fable are discussed as if it was written by the hand of God himself! Pure Rod Serling I say to hear your own voice and see your own image rant and rave, hate and divide, cast assertions  while INSISTING that it wasn’t ME who said or did that. Bravo, I shout, Bravo, now that is the scariest Twilight Zone I have ever seen.

Oh, oops, wait, I am sorry I got carried away as none of that happened on a Twilight Zone episode. How silly of me, Rod Serling or for that matterStephen King could never have conjured up a creation that EVIL. Damn, I was just watching FOX News.I was watching as multitudes of T-Publicans were being interviewed as they run for office, running away from their derogatory comments said about Gays, Blacks, Women, Immigrants, Poor, Elderly and Unemployed people. I was watching as these lying liars said they  said it wasn’t ME on that tape or that audio.I confused the T-Publican cowards who love to speak to closed minded bigots expressing all kinds of venom and vile then deny it all after being found out as fools. All this time I thought I was watching the Twilight Zone, damn!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

sudafed up

A few months ago I went to my neighborhood CVS Pharmacy walked over to the allergy/headache aisle to purchase some Sudafed. Alas alack there was an empty shelf with a sign apologizing for its absence, insisting however if I did want to purchase it I would have to visit the Pharmacist in person. Okay, it is just Sudafed why the hassle, but following the directions I marched my congested and sinus headachy self to the at least 6 people in front of me on line. Really! About 12 prescription laters, the smiley Pharmacist was about to ask me what I needed. I was a little self absorbed with pain, pissy and aggravated so my first question was why do I have to see you to buy and over the counter drug. SUDAFED, the now annoyed and unsmiling Pharmacist explained with no animation in her voice can be used for creating Meth products! So it is now a controlled substance. Attitude, okay Pharmacist, let me show you ATTITUDE. Why would I want to create Meth products, when I all want is to eliminate my sinus headache and allergies. Sir it is the CDC law I am not accusing you, do you want it or not? I was going to spite myself by saying no, but I thought i needed it to at least diminish  the congestion and pain. To PURCHASE the damn SUDAFED, I had to show my drivers license, swear in writing on a long form that I have never purchased Sudafed in past 6 months, and sign a triple form declaring that I could go to jail if any of my information was incorrect or inaccurate. And I smiled for the security camera above the head of the very sour looking Pharmacist.

If I have three convictions, carry a gun, and am not a member of the Secret Service I can ride an elevator with the President. If I want to jump a fence run across the front yard of the White House enter the building and almost run up the stairs to the First Family’s residence, no problem. If I sit in my car on Constitution Ave and fire 7 rounds into the White House no one will notice for a few months. Makes you wonder, don’t it!