Whenever the Evangelical Christian T-Pubs get into anything messy, the messy that creates tar balls, icky sticky green gel, or the kind of name calling usually reserved for the mouths of the Evangelical Christian T-Pubs toward others, anytime there is real insidious behavior filled with some illegality and a whole lot of illicit motivations; anytime this happens you know it REALLY is a serious offense because one of two things happens…there is an immediate silence from the guilty party then followed by Jesus has forgiven me so fuck off…OR there is a special interview on FOX entertainment. The reality stars who pretend to be anything but the racist, homophobic, misogynist, anti-true democracy clowns they are get into a whirling-dervish frenzy, proclaiming that the offender is the real victim, and had it not been for the Progressives, the Homosexuals, the Blacks, the Feminists, the Haters of Christ no one would really be an eeny-meany bit pissed off or even have noticed. Hypocrisy it seems is the 11th Commandment for the Evangelical,Christian Crusaders and their bigoted bevy of ass licking foot soldiers.
If a child from a family of 19 raised by parents who believe women are one huge elastic vagina, girls must always be the sinner if lusted after by their brother or another male, and constructing houses solves all problems of the male libido commits a heinous action, he of course is just a vessel of God, and God will of course pat him on his little penis and say, you broke none of my laws. On the other hand however, there need not be any overt action toward a young girl or boy but the mere fact that one is a homosexual or transexual, the Evangelical Christians know for certain the intent is there to lust and lunge and God has no tolerance for any of that shit! Sinning ain’t sinful as long as you were raised by a white mom and dad who scared you straight! Hypocrisy is the 11th Commandment and the Duggars and FOX fanatics know it all too well.
Ted Nugent loves his sixteen year old girls, Grandpa Duck Dynasty loves him some teen aged pretty white girls, Josh Duggar likes his sisters and all three have been praised, pushed and promoted by FOX Nonsense as the real deal. Even when the digressions of these individuals have been made public FOX idiots don’t back down, no indeed, they demand real justice be brought against those who are the Un-Christ like pointing their demon fingers. As sad as the folks at FOX who provide the inane and insane irrelevant facts and poisonous fiction are, the sad souls who have become The Cult in their inability to want truth to be told ave even more pathetic. The 11th Commandment holds great weight with the self proclaimed Christian Jihadists, because with hypocrisy there is never any need to look inward.
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