On Sunday June 15, 2015 my husband Joe, my daughter Dani and her girlfriend Sarah, my just like a son friend, Scott and two new friends, Alicia and Jen and I walked to Santa Monica Boulevard to participate in LA’s LGBT Pride. We passed same-sex families, opposite-sex families, kids whose eyes sparkled at the fact that no police officer was going to arrest them for being Gay, drag queens, bears, sissy boys, buff women, people of every skin color the city of Los Angeles affords. The parade was a lo-oooong event so our group decided to find our way to the LGBT Festival trying to beat the rush. Along the way we found large signs, a few bull horns, the words Fag, faggot, sinner, sin, pervert emblazoned on placards either in the hands of the hecklers or carried by a bunch young kids (amazing how easy it is to teach hate).All of these Jesus hates you words were arts and crafted to be juxtaposed next to a very white blond haired Jesus Christ giving us the middle finger. The Evangelical Crusaders were slathering at the mouths and one had to wonder while the hot Gay boys and the sexy Lesbian ladies passed by was there also a boner or two popping up from the men and maybe a big smile from the women protesting?
This so far is America where democracy still (who knows how much longer) prevails and supposedly free speech and demonstration is permitted. So as annoying as these Jesus hates you but loves me for hating you hypocrites were, our group jeered at them but tolerated their noise. I was looking closely at the faces wondering if in fact a little later when the parade was over one or two might pretend that they needed to protest on one of the dance floors? (What is it they say he or she who doth protest too loud). But as I began to enter the Pride Festival watching the participants gather I had to wonder, what if…
What if these Christian zealots actually got their Jihadist way and indeed the United States become a Christian nation? What if these people who have never read the Constitution or for that matter the New Testament actually were able to elect one of the T-bagging blame the Gays, Feminists, the Blacks, Immigrants and the Pope presidential candidates with a veto proof Senate and House permitting the nomination of religious activist judges like Scalia and Alioto…what would happen. We have witnessed in other Theocratic nations that democracy dies, freedoms end and free speech costs you your life. There might be a Christian Pride parade but nowhere on the premises would you find an LGBT group of protesters, nope Theocratic is a damned dictatorship and there is great fear of dissentand of course free speech. Our group of family and friends entered the Festival I smiled acclimated to the raucous atmosphere but I wondered what happens when democracy dies?
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