“To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead”-Thomas Paine (English-American activist)
Fox & Friends "psychiatrist" Dr. Keith Ablow wants you to know that the now-resigned NAACP chapter president who apparently lied about being black (and, more importantly, seems to have fudged her own history in an attempt to sell that story) is because the Gays. “I’ve been saying for a long time we could find ourselves at this moment,” Ablow said on Monday morning. “I’m not judging folks who put forward a transgender position — Caitlyn Jenner and the rest. But, I did note that when you decide that a genetic reality is not reality, if this woman believes to her core that her identity is that of a black woman, one could argue, not me, but one could argue that she should be accepted according to her quote ‘racial identity.’” Dr Keith Ablow
Dear Keith,
One has to wonder, aloud and hopefully collectively what kind of education you received while in school, and even more so, how someone could have received that education and become so utterly stupid. Sadly you have become a side show cartoon for making the T-Bagging Republican claim that college is useless, how reality TV creates clowns as heroes, and exactly just how unbelievably ignorant the audience of FOX Entertainment has become. Now I know Keith, the Gays have been blamed for everything from drought in California, to leading the Devil and his brigade of demons against Christ, to bringing on the End Days to even Josh Duggars molestation interests with his sisters. We have an agenda, according to you and your cronies and now it seems we have the Super Power to let really stupid selfish people lie about their identity. Of course Keith you never provide any real scientific evidence of your claims because well for two reasons Keith, you knew if you searched for some you would immediately be called a snake oil salesman and secondly you know just how STUPID the FOX Entertainers and their audience of the living dead really are, so a sham any sham just makes you more famous. I love how you be the fair minded doctor never actually accusing the Gays of bad things, but the way you wonder out loud slanting the one sided possibilities is on of the best flim-flam tricks in the book. (Too bad Manhattan was already sold to the Indians for a few trinkets, you might have found yourself richer then that lying blow hard Bill O’Reilly.)
Ahh Keith what is it you fear about the human nature of others? Were you raised without compassion, taught that hate best defines God or just decided that being a con artist on FOX could bring you all the material delights you think you need to be happy? Once again you have shed a dismal light on the profession of psychiatry, but indeed a very bright and bold glow for the STUPID!
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