Governor Nimrata Nikki Randhawa Haley of South Carolina is an Indian American, her parents are from India, and she has no problem with her state flying high the Confederate Flag. I am not sure if Governor Nimrata Haley realizes that if her parents had somehow found themselves on the shores of South Carolina say, anytime between the Revolutionary War and the Civil War she certainly would not have had the opportunity to run for Governor, and most likely she and her family would NOT be welcomed as citizens with equal rights. The men and women who chose anarchy over democracy, tyranny over freedom at no time in their miserable anti-US loathing cared for those of darker skin then their beloved Caucasian race. The Confederacy was created by God you know the blond haired Jesus whose Dad wanted nothing but slavery and destitution for the races of people NOT white. Governor Nimrata Haley lives in the land of delusion, she surrounds herself with hypocrisy, the Confederate Flag she so defends is sponsored by people who once they re-gain power will say, lady go to the back of the bus, this space is reserved for Whites only!
Governor Haley, shame on you for pretending that out of one side of your mouth you are appalled at the horrific death of the innocent, while the other side of your mouth you only speak T-Bagging politics the kind that loves to lie, forget facts and are paid for and bought by insidious individuals who really hate the foundation of this nation. Your T-Bagging patriots hate equality, they desire the days of lynchings, white robes, shoot outs at high noon, and really, Haley honey hate those of us whose skin is not the purist of white. You may feel safe Governor Haley for now, but I wonder if you ever do take the time to consider what might happen when voter ID laws are strictly enforced, when the Supreme Court is truly 9 activist homophobic, racist, misogynist Evangelical Christian Justices…do you think your state of South Carolina will find a place for you or your darker skinned offspring? Such a hypocrite Governor Haley pretending that the Confederate Flag is like a warm fuzzy recollection of the past when i fact it is nothing but a nightmare of venom, stupid, hate and inequality. Governor Haley how much more of an idiot can you become?
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