Franklin Graham is the son of a preacher man, Billy Graham, I mean Reverend Billy Graham, his dad loves the title Reverend. The Rev, who loves himself some JESUS was not too fond of the Jews however and said the following in private in1972 to the oh so moral Christian president, Nixon,, ’’They're the ones putting out the pornographic stuff, {the Jews}’' Mr. Graham said on the tape, after agreeing with President Nixon that left-wing Jews dominate the news media. The Jewish ''stranglehold has got to be broken or the country's going down the drain,'' he continued, suggesting that if Mr. Nixon were re-elected, ''then we might be able to do something.’’(NY Times) Franklin Graham learned a lot about the business of Christian Crusades and like most rotten apples that fall from a very sick tree he laid in wait to take root and in turn take time to talk Godspeak in a very evil way. Franklin learned that the Jews are not quite Christian enough to really take a place in the dominance of America. Franklin recently commented that perhaps Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg was notnChristian enough when he said “Those who support same-sex marriage consider her an ally in their fight to toss God's Holy Word aside. ... let's pray that Justice Ginsburg's eyes would be opened to the truth of Scripture and that she would not be deceived by the arguments of those who seek to impose their 'new morality' on our nation.” (Huff Post) But I digress.
Very recently Wells Fargo Bank has been airing a commercial in which two women, we first see them separately (not doing any kind of LESBIAN STUFF), are learning sign language. We find out eventually these two women are adopting a young deaf girl. The two women are introduced as her new mommies and each mother has learned how to sign some very uplifting and supportive sentences.They areTWO MOMMIES! Being the son of a heterosexual preacher man, who learned early on that the God his father talks to in his sleep (don’t they all) is not only a fearful deity but quite scared that the homosexuals if permitted to demonstrate any kind of love might reek total havoc over Evangelical Christianity, Franklin Graham is having none of this kind of family value. Franklin Graham is calling on Christians to boycott corporations that feature same-sex relationships in their commercials. And he says he’ll do his part by moving all the bank accounts for his two ministries out of Wells Fargo because of its featuring a lesbian couple. (Charlotte Observer). Always interesting how churches become Mega with mega amounts of money!
Franklin, Franklin, Franklin so pestered and pissed about two women who want to adopt a young girl who most likely is up for adoption because she is deaf, all the women want is to create a loving family,(and it was scripted commercial) but you in JESUS’s name will have nothing of it. HOWEVER Franklin, Wells Fargo Bank has been accused of: Wells Fargo & Co. targets black and Latino borrowers for more costly home loans than their white counterparts in the Chicago area (Bloomberg Business) Struggling homeowners continue to encounter problems with Wells Fargo, Those problems include lost paperwork, endless delays and wrongful denials on loan modifications(SF Gate) Wells Fargo will pony up $175 million to compensate more than 30,000 minority borrowers who were allegedly steered into riskier, more expensive loans during the heyday of the housing boom(US News)…BUT none of those accusations and actions even brought you a moment of contemplation to remove your dollars. Your Jesus it seems has no problems with stealing from poor families, but has it out for those who wish to create, and support loving families. Pure American Christian hypocrisy Franklin, and you mange to get rich off each and every bit of bull shit you try to sell.
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