So I wonder, (and of course worry a bit), do the Koch Brothers and the foray of T-Bagging candidates calling themselves Christian Evangelical American potential presidential candidates really think that their next generation and for sure the next generation of their own children are actually NOT going to suffer the consequences of climate change? Do the Bozo’s who pretend that fossil fuels are NOT the work of the Devil but instead the wishes of Jesus Christ who of course died a Capitalist/Banker will make their children and grandchildren and perhaps great grandchildren breath healthier, live longer and have the Earth forever as habitable? So I wonder when the T-Bagging/FOX News loving/fear mongering/haters of anyone not like them want to vote for THEIR next Christian president, do they even imagine what kind of fiasco awaits with regards to the environment/climate and Earth itself? Or, like the clown car of puppets,owned and operated by greedy billionaires is that so called T-Bagging Republican base so baseless and ignorant tending to their own selfish immediate needs continue to have the wool be pulled and pulled and pulled over their eyes?
So I wonder (and of course worry) when the T-Bagging Evangelical candidates pretend that they are both for Family Values and Pro Life do they ever really imagine what responsibilities might follow once the fetus is born aside from it having its own attorney? When T-Bagging state legislatures make it a crime to feed the poor, or cut back on food stamps because poverty is a punishment, or play act their little diddy in trying to stop any kind of affordable or universal health care do they really believe little Freddy Fetus, or Zelda Zygote if not born to a wealthy family will even be around after their first year? And if they do survive that first year what kind of love will the abusive dad or the rapist or even Uncle Grandpa Daddy provide for them? How do the T-Bagging, we love life, zombies think these Fetus’s and Zygotes will be educated? Certainly not in the Communist collective know as Pre-School or the Socialist deviancy called Day Care. And while the T-Bagging morons believe that the economy is still trickling down,using that as an excuse to hire only minimal wage workers, or to deny maternity leave, or to refuse to at least stop the gap from the we have it all to the you are a useless fools, will the presidential hopeful marionettes all snug in the republican clown car even consider just how third world this first world country has become?
So I wonder (and of course worry), just which sect of Christianity will become the official religion of the new USA or maybe it will be called the Confederated Christian States of Regan? We have some Catholic potential presidential candidates who love a good Mass, but Heck even Hell they are getting hell because the Pope has the audacity to say Jesus would be pissed at the way the T-Baggers are pissing all over the Earth. We have the Evangelicals who love them some good Duggar kids and seem to think the stricter the father, the more subservient the wife and of course the more porous the vagina, the more equality will thrive of course for the male species, And the group of Christians who quote that Jesus’s love is greater when their is abuse in the family. Then we have the mega-church evangelicals, who reassure us that the Jesus who talks to them in their sleep, the Jesus who loves him some good material goods or the Jesus who was the Founding Father figure of the Founding Fathers, who really believes if it ain’t Christian it ain’t American. So I wonder,(and worry of course) when will a majority of Americans really begin to believe that the clowns running for president from the T-Bagging Republican Party are not the belly laugh kind of creature but scary, boggy men gremlins and goblins that come into your room at night and steal your breath away!
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