Monday, December 7, 2015

Look AT us

Look at them, NO, seriously look AT them. There was a news conference held today at the hospital in San Bernardino where many of the victims arrived after the heinous and murderous attacks took place. Three primary doctors spoke to the reporters and if you looked at them, NO, seriously looked AT them, you would have noticed that all three doctors did not have glimmering white complexions but rather differing degrees of a brownish skin tone. If you looked at them, NO, seriously looked AT them you would have seen two of the physicians most definitely were immigrants to this nation, and one perhaps a child of immigrants or maybe even though his skin was not white as snow an American citizen of American citizens. Look at him, No seriously look AT him the country commissioner of San Bernardino, was a man with brown skin, this man explained how the largest county in the nation reacted to the murderous rampage and how he and his fellow commissioners will continue to respond. Listen to them, NO seriously listen TO them, three of the speakers had a non-American English accent, yet they communicated their emotions, trepidations, fears and most importantly their HOPE to aid the victims and tom try and prevent more insane violence. 

Look at them, NO seriously look AT them, the men who shot people from bridges in Maryland, the teens who decided to murder students in Columbine, the young man who felt a movie theater audience made a better target range, the guy who believed Jesus would forgive him for killing the lives of the people who he thought were killing lives of the unborn, the guys who hated the government enough to blow up a building in Oklahoma. Look at them NO, seriously look AT them, each was a caucasian as they get, each spoke the English language as their first language, each was born in the United States.

Look at us, NO, seriously look AT us. We are notALL the same people. We are not ALL the enemy. We are not ALL your reason to be fearful, hateful, ignorant, bigoted or biased. But in America for a long time many of us DO NOT take the time to look, NO, seriously look AT us. Why is it so much easier to single out a scapegoat, act the bully, discriminate, and blame then it is to find commonality, consensus, or care. Look at us, NO, seriously look AT us!