Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Who are we

Fear has found a foothold in the weakest of people who hide from themselves and hurl hurt at anyone who does not scare as easily as they do. Politics is no longer about laws, about the proof in the pudding but merely a means by which more money can be made keeping everyone afraid. The so called Christian Conservatives have set the seed, watering it with misconceptions of the Constitution, bouts of religious blurred vision, and presumptive facts based on nothing but sentences and paragraphs intended to hide the truth. We, ALL of us, by remaining silent for way too long have also permitted the loud mouthed loons to reinvent history as well as never present the news but imagine it through their internet, cameras and entertainers. We saw Donald Trump and laughed we imagined that Ben Carson was smart because he had MD after his name. We let Ted Cruz close down the government and sighed saying this was a meaningless gesture. We watched as the GOP tried to remind us that it was just Hilary who made Benghazi happen, even as the GOP lied about doing so. Giggled as the most bizarre of pundents like Coulter, Limbaugh and O’Reilly pretended to believe the real fault of the nation is the black guy from Kenya or just maybe that he is a black guy. Now we witness a virus that has always been flowing in this nation ever since the Confederates stopped believing they lost the Civil War,leaving all of us looking like deer in the headlights wondering is THIS really what America has become!

It seems the South won the Civil War, they may have surrendered at Appomattox, but generations of their supporters and families never stopped waving the Confederate Flag, still believed that God purposely made the Negro inferior, and that any government espousing Northern ideals is the enemy. These anarchists wave the Confederate Flag claiming by doing so they ARE the real Americans. Men and women with their assault weapons openly carrying them to demonstrate that the Federal Government is not the true law and always ready for some kind of revolution. White robes or swaztika’s on shirt sleeves once worn in the dark of night when cowards feel freer to roam are now brazenly modeled in the bright sunshine. The old time Evangelical religious Bible which espoused fear and loathing for anyone not white, not Christian, not a sun or daughter of the Confederacy is our new Constitution. Fear has found its foundation again and it needs enemies, foes to thrive.

Fear has found a foothold, and no matter who the person is to become the nominee for president from the Republican Party, the real disaster is the wave of distrust, terror, scapegoating and division he or she has created. To build walls, deny access, find fault never a solution, imply, or simply lie are forms of terrorism to democracy. The monsters may be gone, but it is the terrified townsfolk who now are the dangerous ones. Look closely at what the men and one woman are telling their supposedly “fellow Americans” regarding race, gender, sexuality, choice and if you are honest with yourself all you will hear is FEAR. It seems the candidates have started a virus and too many have contracted it. I worry!